world report

1 is Installed, 2 are Healed, 3 Pray for Salvation in Romania

Southern and Eastern Romania
October 12, 2023

From the Superintendent's DESK

This past week, our team in Romania (Jeff and Ethan Downey and Wayne Butler) visited churches in the southern and then eastern regions of our work. They were accompanied by Ted Bora, the Western District Superintendent, who has been interpreting for them.

On Wednesday, October 4, they participated in a service at Osica de Jos and had a wonderful time of fellowship. They said the meeting was good and so was the prayer around the altars afterward.    

The next morning, they traveled to Radovan and were joined by Mara Negrila and Gheorghe Macovei, the Southern and Eastern District Superintendents respectively. They enjoyed a service among a newer group of about twenty-five who began worshiping together after God healed a man. In 2020, Marion Anitoaia was a new convert who had been bedridden for two years due to a spinal injury. A team from Portland prayed for him according to the instructions in James 5:14 and God healed him. He told others of God’s goodness, and this group formed as a result.

Brother Marion has been leading the group, and during the service, he was formally installed as the pastor. Brother Gheorghe gave the exhortation from Scripture, reminding everyone of the qualifications for ministry. Then the ministers gathered around Brother Marion, laid hands on him, and prayed for God’s anointing.

Before the closing prayer, Brother Gheorghe asked if any wanted to pray for salvation, and three stepped forward! Our team had the privilege of praying with them.

In the evening, the team went to Motatei Sat, accompanied by Brother Marion. During the testimonies, he shared how God had saved him from sin and then healed his body. Several were touched by his testimony and came forward during the prayer time, saying they also wanted to receive prayer for healing.    

On Friday, the team was joined by Seun Ogunleye, the pastor at Stavanger, Norway, and they traveled to Margaritesti for an evening service. Three exhortations from God’s Word were given, and though none of the messages had been coordinated in advance, each complimented the other. Brother Jeff took his text from Matthew 6:19-33 and encouraged the saints not to focus on earthly possessions, but to store up treasures in Heaven. Then Brother Seun shared from Matthew 4:18-22 that the disciples left everything to follow Jesus. Brother Wayne gave the third message from Matthew 19:16-22 and spoke about the rich young ruler who went away sorrowful because he was not willing to give up this world’s possessions to follow Christ.

During the evening, news came that Brother Mara’s daughter was very ill and had been taken to the hospital. In addition, our team was told that a one-year-old girl had been sick for some time and the doctors were unable to help her. Prayer was made for both of the girls and anointed prayer cloths were sent to them. God undertook in both situations, and the next day, Brother Mara’s daughter was running around as if she had never been sick. It was later learned that her recovery had taken place at the same time the saints at Margaritesti had prayed.

On Saturday, our team went to Cosoveni. Here another newly formed group of about twenty has been worshiping in the home of one of the saints. The congregation was enthusiastic and participated throughout the meeting, with one singing a solo and another giving the Scripture reading. Our team had a blessed time among them.

The Lord’s Day was observed at two churches. In the morning, our team went to Craiova and in the evening to Bucharest. They enjoyed beautiful music and had a wonderful time of fellowship at both locations. In addition, they said a traditional Romanian lunch served at Craiova was delicious.

On Monday evening, a service was held at Coroteni. As at previous locations, greetings were shared from the Portland congregation and were received warmly. As the meeting continued, one of the highlights was a vocal solo accompanied by an accordion. It drew many “Amens,” and though it was in Romanian, the sentiment was felt by all. At the invitation to pray, many went to the altars and poured out their hearts to God.  

Our team is now traveling in the northern territory of our work. They are scheduled to make church and home visits as well as hold a Sunday school workshop and ministers’ conference before returning home Monday. Pray for God’s continued blessings on all the activities.

occasion / dates
Portland Headquarters Visit
September 27 - October 16, 2023