world report

Chehalis Special Meetings

September 15, 2023

The Chehalis special meetings began Friday, September 8, and continued through Sunday, September 10. Friday evening was well represented with visitors and friends from Port Angeles, Seattle, and Pullman, Washington, as well as Portland and Dallas, Oregon. The service began with a rousing trombone rendition of “I’m in this Church,” followed by “I’ve Got that Old Time Religion in My Heart.” The song service was a time of collective worship which reflected on victory in Jesus and the provisions of Calvary.

A Baros family trio sang “The Heart of Worship,” followed by testimonies telling of the goodness, faithfulness, and mighty power of God. Before the evening message, Randy Macomber sang “Are You Ready for Jesus to Come?” Samuel Oni took his text from Matthew chapter 13, and read about the merchant man seeking goodly pearls. He emphasized the importance of seeking God not just for daily needs, but for spiritual needs, and that as individuals seek Him with all of their hearts, He will be found. The message directed everyone to a time of prayer where there was opportunity to draw near to the Lord. Following the prayer service was a time of great food and fellowship.

Saturday morning began with breakfast for all, followed by a devotional lesson. Greg Bishop read from 1 Peter 5:10 and spoke particularly to the young people about being “stablished, strengthened, and settled.” He talked about the need to build their lives on the sure foundation of God’s Word. Using an object lesson of a bundle of straw, a bundle of sticks, and a brick, Brother Greg proceeded to retell the familiar childhood story of the three little pigs, and how the big bad wolf came along after the pigs had built their homes. The first two houses collapsed after the wolf huffed and puffed, but when he came to the house made of bricks, it stood firm no matter how hard the wolf blew. The congregation was admonished to build their spiritual houses on the Lord, and that Jesus would strengthen and settle them!

Saturday afternoon was a time of recreation for the young at heart at the Centralia Sports Hub. There were plenty of activities, including pickleball, volleyball, and basketball. At 7:00 in the evening, everyone met back at the church for a youth service. All of the special music was provided by young musicians. Florin Baros led the congregational singing, followed by numerous young people standing to their feet during the testimony service and giving thanks to God. Brother Samuel’s message was taken from Matthew 14:6 where Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He spoke about the value of the truth and how the world is filled with many deceptions. He encouraged the congregation to embrace the truth, to love the truth, and to walk in the truth.

Sunday was a busy day starting with Sunday school, where the students studied a beautiful subject: God’s peace. The morning service included music from a Portland men’s quartet, accompanied by Dale Copko on the piano. Anne Oni shared her testimony, and then the message was delivered by Brother Samuel. The text was taken from Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” His message focused on how believers can trust Jesus in every aspect of their lives. While the outcome of circumstances is rarely known in advance, His followers can trust that He will work and that His will is going to be accomplished.

Sunday evening was the final service for the special weekend. The prelude featured a trumpet duet by Jeff Bishop and Josh DeBusk and later, a Bishop family trio sang.  Many stood to their feet testifying to the saving grace and mighty power of God. Reggie Macomber sang the last special before Erik Calhoun gave the message. Brother Erik took his text from Luke 21:25-28. The emphasis of the message was on the Lord’s return. He cited several signs currently in place that indicate the Lord will soon make His appearance. He concluded the message focusing on the fact that today is still the dispensation of grace, and that God’s grace still avails for every soul. The presence of the Lord was felt in a special way, as each of the meetings concluded with a blessed time of prayer.

occasion / dates
Special Meetings
9/8/23 - 9/10/23