world report

Many Set Free at Malawi Camp Meeting

August 15, 2023

From the Superintendent's DESK

The Malawi camp meeting began on Sunday, July 30, in Nsanje. Chris Nkhata, the Malawi District Superintendent, sent a report telling of wonderful messages, music, prayer, and blessings.

Campers started trickling onto the campground at Nsanje midmorning on Saturday, July 29, in anticipation of the Malawi camp meeting.

That afternoon, a workers’ conference was held with fifty in attendance, including delegates from Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, and South Africa. It was led by Oniyas Gumbo, the Eastern and Southern Africa District Superintendent. He encouraged the workers to fully consecrate their lives to God for the best results in serving Him.

Officially, the camp meeting began on Sunday, July 30, with a theme of “Come unto Me.” For the morning message, Brother Gumbo took his text from John 3:16. He said salvation comes only through Jesus Christ, who has been given all power on Heaven and earth. A wonderful alter service followed and the Spirit of the Lord touched many souls.


Bible teachings were given every morning, Monday through Friday, offering a deeper understanding of God’s Word. On Monday, the Botswana District Superintendent, Lordick Motshidisi, taught on “The Power of Salvation and Sanctification.” Using text from John 3:16-17, he said there is power in the Gospel to keep one holy in a sinful world. The next morning, Zimbabwe Board Member Newton Jaravani read Acts 11:26 and asked, “Who are the Christians?” He described Christians as those who have heard the Gospel, repented, received salvation, and are living holy lives. The midweek teaching was given by Pastor Lovemore Mateyu on “The Baptism of the Holy Ghost.” Taking his text from Acts 19:2, he spoke on the importance of receiving this experience. Thursday’s teaching was given by Zimbabwe Board Member Kwaziso Bhosha on “Tithes and Offerings.” He explained God’s finance plan for the church. The last teaching was entitled “Trust and Obey.” Text from 1 Timothy 4:10 and Deuteronomy 11:26-28 were used to show that God honors obedience.

Youth and Mothers’ Services

The afternoons included separate services for the youth and for mothers.


A team of five choristers from Shurugwi, Zimbabwe, provided music during the first half of the camp meeting. When they departed, God inspired a team of seven choristers from Inyathi, Zimbabwe, to come and replace them. Both choirs blended beautifully with the local choir to provide wonderful music throughout the week, including a concert conducted by Tariro Jongwe.

Evangelistic Services

The evening services were attended by as many as 170, overflowing the church, and from the beginning, God’s Spirit was felt in a mighty way. In the very first service, a brother who had been backslidden was restored. In addition, a lady who was tormented by evil spirits came, held by two sisters. She was violent and had been unable to sleep, but when she was prayed for, Jesus set her free! Immediately, she was calm and departed for home in peace. Throughout the week, spiritual fires fell at the altars of prayer and Jesus set free others, saving souls, healing the sick, sanctifying, and baptizing with the Holy Ghost.

At the close of the week, Brother Chris reported many blessings. Among them, nine ministers were ordained, thirty-eight converts were water baptized, many were healed, and a spirit of revival took hold. He thanked God for blessing with His Spirit and said the Malawi work will never be the same after this special assembly. 

Brother Chris also reported on a recent cyclone that destroyed crops and left many impoverished. Services will be held in that area in November. Please pray for God’s provision and comfort over those impacted.

occasion / dates
Malawi Camp Meeting
July 30 - August 6