world report

Music and Prayer Highlight Pullman Special Meetings

Pullman, WA
May 18, 2021

The Apostolic Faith Church in Pullman, Washington, held special meetings on May 14-16.

The Friday evening evangelistic and revival service began with a serenade titled “There Is Power in the Blood Medley.” Then a mixed quartet sang “I Can Tell You the Time.” The congregational singing was led by Samuel Oni, and then Lee Spakousky gave the opening prayer.

During the announcements, Pastor Olusola Adesope introduced the guest minister, Superintendent General Darrel Lee, and his wife Debbie. We were pleased to have them join us. Following a duet of “Since Jesus Passed By,” Sister Debbie opened the testimony service. She had been saved at a young age, and told of the power of God to save and keep one in the Gospel. Other testimonies were given by Caroline Ojeme, Pearl Oladele, and Ebenezer Ewumi, and highlighted the power of God to protect and provide in times of need.

Before the sermon, Anne Oni sang “I Have Decided Medley.” Then Brother Darrel took his text from Luke 19:8-9 and preached on God’s power to save from sin and make a change in one’s heart and life. Drawing from the account of Zacchaeus, he emphasized the steps to salvation and the change that follows. At the close, many gathered around the altars, and there was a great prayer meeting.

An evening of music was presented by the choir and orchestra on Saturday, and about eighty-five were in attendance. After a short opening prayer, it began with the orchestra performing “I Exalt Thee.” Then the choir followed, accompanied by the strings, flute, and piano, singing “O When the Saints.” The evening continued with the musicians praising God through their instruments and voices. Vocal selections varied from solos to choir numbers. Among them, a mixed quartet sang “I’m Winging My Way Back Home,” a ladies’ trio harmonized in “Amazing Love,” and a soloist sang “Reach Out to Jesus.” Instrumental offerings included a violin solo of “Softly and Tenderly,” a flute duet of “Three Duets No. 2,” and two orchestra pieces: “Soon and Very Soon” and “He Leadeth Me.”

Near the close of the evening, Brother Darrel gave some brief remarks. He reminded the attendees that all can have a part in praising God if they will surrender their lives to Him as the musicians have done. He also thanked God for the muscians, and gave a portion of his testimony. He said he had witnessed a similar presentation of music when he first came to the Apostolic Faith Church in Roseburg, Oregon, and the music he heard that day lifted his soul to Heaven.

The choir closed the program by singing “God Says You’re Gonna Make It,” and then Brother Adesope led in prayer. The evening of music was beautifully rendered, and souls were lifted to Heaven in praise and adoration to God.

The Sunday morning service started with the string orchestra playing “Praise Him, Praise Him,” and then the choir singing “The Sweetest Song I Know.” Following this, Femi Johnson led the congregational singing and Joshua Adaramola gave the opening prayer.

After announcements were given, the choir sang “Come, Holy Spirit,” and Brother Spakousky read the Genesis 2:18-24 for the Scripture reading. Then Brother Johnson sang the last special titled “Lord, Send a Revival.”

For the message, Brother Darrel took his text from Genesis 3:20 and 4:1. Referencing the experiences of Adam and Eve, he focused on marriage and the home. Specifically, he spoke on marriage as ordained by God, childrearing responsibilities, and the dangers of sin. He concluded by pointing to the availability of redemption through the Blood of Jesus.

The service ended with another beautiful altar service. The power of God was felt as individuals renewed their consecrations on the altar. The saints in Pullman were blessed by God throughout this special weekend and strengthened to continue to serve God faithfully and in purity as the coming of the Lord draws near. We appreciate prayers for the work of the Lord in Pullman that God will continue to bless and increase the work.

occasion / dates
Pullman Special Meetings
May 14-16, 2021