world report

One Prays Through as Romania Trip Ends

Capu Dealului, Motatei Sat, Craiova, Bucharesti & Rimnicu Sarat
November 11, 2019

From the Superintendent's DESK

John and Rodica Musgrave, and Harlan and Debbie Lee, have returned from their visit to our churches in Romania, and give this report of their final services there.

On Monday we drove to the Oltenia region of Romania on the southwest border, and the next day attended a service at the Capu Dealului church. The building was full to overflowing with some standing in the entryway, and even out in the hall. Led by the pastor, Nicu Caclete, we enjoyed a wonderful service with rousing music.

We attended a morning service on Wednesday in Motatei Sat where Mitita Udrea is the pastor. Though it was a weekday morning, twenty came to worship with us. At the close of the service, we were thrilled when the invitation to pray was given, and a woman come forward and prayed through to salvation!

In the evening, a ladies’ conference was held in the sanctuary of the Craiova church with about seventeen attending.Sister Debbie gave a presentation on “The Full Armor of God” with Emma Bora interpreting. At the same time, a ministers’ meeting took place in the Sunday school department. Both events went very well, and then tables were brought into the sanctuary, and we combined for a fellowship meal.

On Thursday morning we went to Margaritesti to visit with the pastor, Aurel Cruceru, and his family. No church service was scheduled, but it was an opportunity to catch up, and also for Sister Debbie and Sister Rodica to see the beautiful new church building, which was dedicated last year. The church and property have been kept up nicely, and we had a lot of fun learning about how the various vegetables and flowers on the site are cultivated. Before leaving, we were served a hearty country meal.

In the evening, we attended a service in Craiova where Pavel Balanoiu, who leads our southern Romania work, is the pastor. This is the congregation where thirteen received the baptism of the Holy Ghost immediately after our last mission trip, this past February. The congregation was very welcoming, and a good number were in attendance. Ted Bora, the Western Romania District Superintendent, was also with us, and he sang the last special. We had a good service, and at the close, many went to the altar to pray.

On Saturday, we drove to Bucharesti where Gheorghei Macovei is the pastor. He is also the Eastern Romania District Superintendent. In the afternoon, a board meeting was held to discuss the work in Romania. Then in the evening, the ladies gathered in the former church building for a conference while the ministers met in the current church for a time of encouragement. The women seemed to thoroughly enjoy their opportunity to gather. Afterward, they were treated to light refreshments, including tiramisu, while the men settled for apples from a tree near the church entrance.

We attended the Sunday morning worship service in Rimnicu Sarat. Crivisiu Ionel leads this congregation, which has much enthusiasm and faith. The little church was full, with about seventy people attending, including a number of visitors. For the music specials, we heard an accordion duet. Also, the Sunday school children sang as well as quoted their memory verses. There was a sweet spirit upon the service, and we had a good time of prayer afterward. In the evening, we returned to Bucharesti for a very enjoyable service.

All of the churches visited during this trip showed improvement in both the physical and spiritual aspects. We return home very thankful for all that God has done during our visit.

We too thank God for what He has done in Romania, as well as for His guidance and protection for our team during this trip.

occasion / dates
Romania Trip
November 2019