world report

Zambia Camp Meeting

Zambia, Eastern Africa
April 22, 2022

Although the new Apostolic Faith tabernacle in Zambia, Eastern Africa, is still under construction, they were able to hold a camp meeting there from April 3-10. This was the first camp meeting in Zambia since 2019 due to Covid-19, and the added church locations since the pandemic began were a witness to how God has continued to work. It was a privilege to have Reverend John Musgrave as a representative from the world headquarters in Portland, Oregon, USA, as well as a number of church leaders from various parts of Africa, including Oniyas Gumbo, Southern Africa District Superintendent; Confidence Nemahungani, South Africa District Superintendent; Chris Nkhata, Malawi District Superintendent; and Enock Simfukwe, Tanzania District Superintendent. Two others came from Botswana to support the camp meeting.

The opening Sunday service began with Sunday school with classes for various ages and languages. The devotional service opened with the youth from the elementary and junior classes reciting Scriptures and singing praises to God. The adult orchestra then played “Praise Ye the Lord,” followed by the choir singing “Lo, What a Glorious Sight” in the Bemba language. Brother Oniyas praised God for the new developments on the campground and the unity he has observed, particularly since Boniface Banda became the Eastern Africa District Superintendent in 2019. Brother John extended greetings from the Portland headquarters and indicated that what he saw at the camp meeting was far greater than what he had been told. The choir sang “God Is Great, God Is Good” before the Scripture reading from Isaiah 13:9-13. Prior to the sermon, the choir sang “Zuba Pati (A Great Day Will Come).” The minister read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 for his text, and encouraged the congregation to prepare for Jesus’ soon return because the Day of the Lord will be a time of judgment for the whole world. The service concluded with a wonderful prayer meeting.

On Sunday afternoon, some of the leaders and workers went to visit branch churches around Lusaka. This caused a two-hour delay in the scheduled evening concert, but it turned out to be a blessing because the choir looked more radiant in contrast to the darkness outside. The choir and orchestra presented a number of inspiring selections, with the choir singing songs in English and also several African languages. Both the youth and adult choirs were featured, as well as other vocal and instrumental soloists and ensembles. It was truly a memorable evening, and the choir and orchestra concluded with a beautiful rendition of the “Hallelujah Chorus,” while the congregation stood in honor to God. The closing remarks encouraged everyone to pour out their praises in prayer, which led to many tarrying before the Lord.

On Monday through Thursday, there were Bible teachings in the mornings and revival services in the evenings. The Bible teaching topics were “The Plan of Redemption,” “Christian Integrity,” “Entire Sanctification,” and “The Church Militant.” Victorious testimonies were given during the services. A man testified that God had touched him after he suffered a stroke, making it possible for him to come to camp meeting. One lady told how God healed her young sister when it seemed that all hope was gone, while another lady thanked God for saving her on the first day of camp meeting after she had been backslidden for three years.

During the evening services, the ministers spoke about having a spiritual hunger, putting on the garments of salvation, seeking God’s direction, and looking to God for every situation and problem. Many attendees received answers to prayer as they tarried to seek God. Thirty-two received salvation; ten were sanctified; nine were filled with the Holy Spirit; twenty-eight received reanointings; and forty-four were healed.

During the water baptismal service on Friday morning, thirty-four women and girls and twenty-two men and boys were baptized. In the evening, the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Disciples’ Feet were observed. It was a great time of fellowship for all.

A Sunday school seminar was held Saturday morning to equip teachers in using the Sunday school curriculum. That evening, the elementary and junior students presented a concert. Many young people gathered afterward to pray and consecrate their lives to God.

The camp meeting concluded on Sunday. During the morning devotional service, Brother Boniface encouraged the congregation to “Prepare for Heavenly Citizenship.” The prayer is that all who attended the camp meeting will continue to seek God wholeheartedly and be ready when Jesus comes!

occasion / dates
Camp Meeting
April 3-10