Request for RV Rental

Your personal information will never be given to a third party for a use unrelated to this rental.
The Apostolic Faith Church reserves the right to accept or deny requests for use of church facilities, and to cancel or modify established agreements in the church’s best interest. Church events and activities shall always have priority. User must be a regular attendee of the Apostolic Faith Church.The objectives of the user group and the activities conducted on church property must not be in conflict with the mission of this church. It is the responsibility of the church member renter to ensure that guests comply with the moral standards of the Apostolic Faith.No consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, or use of non-prescription drugs is permitted on the church property at any time.No weapons or firearms are allowed on church property without prior permission. Firecrackers or explosives of any kind are prohibited.User groups are responsible for leaving the facilities in a condition that is comfortable for the next user group. For example, all furniture and equipment must be returned to its customary position, kitchen areas left clean, dishes washed and put away, floors swept, waste baskets emptied into the outside commercial trash bin, etc.The user group shall be held responsible for all loss or damage to church property during the periods when they are using the facilities.No equipment, furniture, or kitchen items shall be removed without prior approval from the facility administrator.Groups may only use the rooms and equipment for which they have applied and been approved.Permission to use the church facilities or equipment shall not include liability on the part of the church for property damage or loss, or personal injuries resulting from user-group activities.The user group accepts the following hold harmless agreement:I hereby release, waive, and discharge the Apostolic Faith Church of Portland, Oregon, including its trustees, representatives, employees, volunteers, and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, resulting from the usage of said property and facilities pursuant to this application.I acknowledge that upon agreeing to these terms, it is my intention to make a complete general and unconditional release of any and all claims whatsoever against the Apostolic Faith Church of Portland, Oregon, or its representatives.I have read and agree to comply with the policies and regulations for use of Apostolic Faith Church Facilities.
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