January 1, 2012

A Quiet Legacy

During a recent stay in Harare, Zimbabwe, it was a blessing to become acquainted with Lancelot Muzondo, who was the first Zimbabwean to correspond with our organization’s headquarters back in 1953, when Zimbabwe was known as Rhodesia. He was the one who introduced Morgan Sengwayo (read his testimony) to the Apostolic Faith. Sengwayo had been evicted from his home by his parents and Muzondo took him in. He told Sengwayo about the Apostolic Faith organization and the teachings of the Latter Rain Gospel. Before long, those teachings were reinforced by Timothy Oshokoya, who visited from Nigeria at Portland’s request. Sengwayo prayed through to his deeper experiences and in time was appointed to lead our Southern Africa work. 

While Brother Sengwayo’s legacy is well-known, the same is not true of the quiet man who initially taught him this way. Brother Muzondo has already outlived Brother Sengwayo by thirty years and is the surviving pioneer of the Zimbabwe Apostolic Faith work. He has been a stabilizing force in a work that thrives despite a history of national economic and political upheaval.

Brother Muzondo was not only present at every activity during our visit, he was often at my side showing unwavering support for Portland headquarters and current Southern Africa District Superintendent Onias Gumbo.

As in South Africa, our church services and workers’ meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe were well-attended. Delegates from Zambia, Angola, Mozambique, Malawi, Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa, converged and demonstrated the unity that is a hallmark of our worldwide work. Hundreds attended a ministers’ and workers’ meeting on Saturday and thousands were in church on Sunday. What an encouragement to see so many who remain determined to follow in the steps of Sengwayo and Muzondo! Like Brother Muzondo, most of them quietly and faithfully labor in the Gospel. Their names and faces are mostly unknown outside of Zimbabwe, but their impact will be felt for generations if the Lord tarries. Like them, most of us will hardly be known beyond where we work for the Lord, but may we also determine to be faithful to our calling as we serve God in the Apostolic Faith.

apostolic faith magazine