Aase Kristensen

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I must praise the Lord. I am happy to tell how faithful God has been to me. The Gospel is very great for me. When I was a little child, in Copenhagen, Denmark, I looked to Heaven and God talked to me. I was in a good home and my parents gave us children a good education, but they were atheists and they taught me there was no God. God showed me as a little child of six years that He was real. I began to pray every evening. God helped me to pray when I was in trouble, and I also prayed over my food, asking His blessing on my meals.

When I was thirteen years old, condemnation came into my heart—I was not what I should be. I had heard at school that Christ died on the Cross for my sins. I prayed to God, saying that if he would forgive me and give me happiness and peace, I would serve Him. He saved me; I got sweet peace and happiness, and my heart was changed. I had new interests.

I was a nurse and helped people, but I wanted more of God in my life. God showed me in His Word that there was more. I didn’t know what to call it, but I prayed for seven years for it. Then one evening I said to God, “I can’t live anymore without You giving me what I have been seeking.” I consecrated my life and He sanctified me. I knew He had done something for me. People asked, “What has happened. What is the matter with you?” I could only say that God had met me. I was so happy.

I met someone who told me about the Apostolic Faith Church. She gave me some tracts. I read the tract on sanctification and I saw that it was what God had given me. I knew these were my people, and I came to worship with the people at the Apostolic Faith. Oh, I thank God that He has been so good to me; I praise Him.

For some time, Aase Kristensen was in charge of the small printing plant in Horsens, Denmark.