Dorothy Friesen

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I am thankful for what the Lord has done for me. I am grateful that I heard the Gospel story when I was just a young girl. My mother received an Apostolic Faith paper from a neighbor, and because she had a hungry heart, she went to church and prayed. God saved her. That was in Medford, Oregon, on South Front Street, above the second-hand store. That is also where I heard the Gospel story.

I was stubborn and rebellious as a young girl, and I did not pray when I had a chance. My mother lived a life before me that let me know she was a Christian. I desired the things of the world, though. I wanted to go to the shows and dances like my father was doing.

Oh, I am so glad that the Lord talked to my heart in the one meeting I was in! Sister Myers asked me to pray, as the tears ran down my cheeks. I wanted to, but I was bound with the ideas of the world. I wanted to be like others in the world. I made the wrong choice. I left the Lord that night, but He did not leave me. He continued to talk to me. At every dance and every show I ever went to, the Lord was right there to show me there was a better way to live.

On December 7, 1941, as the bombs were falling over Pearl Harbor, I went to the church to give my heart to the Lord. I can say He did not refuse me; He took me in and made a wonderful change in my heart and life. God took out the things of the world and put in peace, joy, happiness, and a hope of Heaven that keeps me each and every day.

God has given victory, He has given peace, He has given the blessings in this life— through Jesus. I want to praise Him and thank Him for what He has done for me.