Arthur Corbin

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I was not brought up in a Christian home. My mother died when I was young, and my dad left. An elderly white gentleman took me in and raised me. Then I went out into the world to make my own way.

I married and started bootlegging. The law tried to stop me for seven years, but they could not. Then God cornered me. He struck me down with sickness. I was terribly afflicted in my body with diabetes, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, and other illnesses. There was no cure for me. The doctor said to, “Call on Jesus; no doctor under the sun can do you any good.” I knew I was face to face with death. The doctor told my wife to take me to the country. He said I could probably add a few months to my life, but not much more in the condition I was in.

We moved to a small rural community called Bynum, Alabama. There, I received an Apostolic Faith paper and read about what God was doing for others. The convicting hand of God came to rest on me as the Lord began speaking to my heart. One morning, I was sitting in my room when God spoke out of Heaven saying, “He that is born of God does not commit sin.” I walked out of my room past my wife and outside. I walked into the fields in the swamp and fell on my knees before God. I asked Him to have mercy on this sinful man. In five minute, God did what the law could not do in seven years.

God did not stop there. He healed my body completely that day, and I have not had a dose of medicine since. He changed me. I have not had a cigarette since that day. And, that same night, God sanctified me.

I wrote to Florence Crawford, the founder of the Apostolic Faith work, and told her of my experience. She wrote me a wonderful letter in reply saying, “Brother, you are saved. Your spirit bears witness with mine.” That was 1932. Six months later, I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

In 1937, the Lord blessed me with being able to go to Portland, Oregon, and be among God’s people for a few years. What sweet fellowship that was. In 1947, the Lord called me to return to the South and carry the Good News of salvation to the people of Alabama. I had the privilege to pastor the Birmingham church from 1955 to 1969.

Truly the Lord has been faithful to me and my house. In 1964, He healed me of an eye injury when I attended the Portland camp meeting. Several years earlier, I had been working in a government plant when a piece of iron struck me in the side of my right eye. The doctor told me he would have to dig it out. I would not allow it, and was told that I would not see out of that eye again. The doctor did not know the God that I know. I prayed and the Lord healed me. Now, I can close my left eye and see out of my right!

I give God the glory for all He has done, and I praise Him for this Gospel.

Arthur Corbin was pastor of our Birmingham, Alabama, church from 1955 to 1969.