Pete Hiebert

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I want to praise God with all my heart that I am among the redeemed of the Lord, and that I know my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I am thankful that the Gospel ever came my way; that God led me under the sound of this Latter Rain Gospel.

My mother was faithful to pray for me. She used to pray by my bedside, and I didn’t want her to pray so often. When she died, although I was just a young man, I began to carry an awful load of condemnation upon my life. At twenty-three years of age I was far away from God. Many times I thought if I should have to carry that awful load of sin a few more years I would not be able to bear it.

I am glad that the Gospel crossed my path through an Apostolic Faith paper. I don’t know what would have become of me if I hadn’t received it.

In that paper were testimonies of victory, testimonies of men and women who said that they had been saved and that God had delivered them from sinful lives. They said that they were Bible Christians and had victory over a life of sin. Though I never had been a Christian, I had read much of the Bible. I had read, “Whosoever is born of God sinneth not” (1 John 5:18), but I did not know it was possible for people to live above sin. When I read how these people told with such assurance what God had done for them, I believed them.

I began to pray and cry out to God. If only I could have what these people had I would no longer be afraid to die! God was faithful to my soul and showed me if I would forsake my sins and ask Him for mercy He would come into my life and do for me what He had done for others. I wanted that more than anything in the world. If God would deliver me from that life of condemnation, I would serve Him. When I met His conditions, He gave me peace, joy, victory, and power to go forth and sin no more.

The Apostolic Faith paper told of people who had made all kinds of restitutions, and some had worked for years to make things right with their fellowman. I had things to make right myself, I had taken money from my own father. Every time I had committed a sin I knew I would have to make it right. When God came into my life He gave me the grace to do it.

I am so thankful for this great salvation. When I received the light on sanctification I sought it, and the Lord sanctified me wholly. He also baptized me with the Holy Ghost and fire. I have that fire burning in my soul. I am thankful for all the blessings God has given me in my life.