Lawrence Snyder

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

My wife and I started out to live as Christians when we were first married. However, as a salesman and a truck driver for a bakery, I went to company dinners and I began to drink. At first it was just a little wine with dinner, but that started a drinking problem in my life.

I came home one night and my wife detected liquor on my breath. I will never forget the look she gave me. She did not say a word—she just looked at me. She was so hurt and disappointed! That condemned me more than anything else, but I didn’t change my ways. God had to deal drastically with me.

One night my car got stuck in the mud right near the railroad tracks. A duck hunter saw my plight and came with a steel cable. He attached it to my little Model A and started to pull me out of the mud and across the tracks. Just as he crossed the tracks I saw the light of an engine coming fast. There was no time to jump; I just froze. I thought I would surely be dragged into those big wheels. But, oh, God’s mercy! The wheels cut the cable and I watched railcar after railcar go by. Finally, the caboose went down the tracks. I was still sitting there—untouched! The car which had been towing me was on the other side of the tracks. The train had passed between.

I knew God was in that! Later, I renewed my vows to the Lord, and in a wonderful way, He brought me to a camp meeting. He gave me another chance. Wasn’t that mercy? I had spurned God’s love for fifteen years, but He took me back. He planted that peace in my heart again. He gave me that first love and the victory that I have had all these years. I praise Him for His wonderful love.