Leone Kemi

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I feel I owe such a debt of gratitude to God for all the things He has done for me. Surely He has been wonderful to me from the day of my birth. I had the privilege of being raised in a wonderful Christian home. The Bible was an open Book all my life, and I thank the Lord that it not only lay open on the table, but that it was read.

I am so glad I had that Christian environment as a start in life. The wonderful love of God was deep in my heart when a child, but as I grew older and listened to my school friends tell about the good times they seemed to be having, animosity grew in my heart.  I wondered if maybe they were having some fun and seeing things in life that I was missing out on. I began to feel that this Christian training was too straight, and I wanted to have my own way in life.

I thank God that before I grew very old, the Lord talked to my heart so definitely. I could not think a bad thought or do anything wrong, but I would know it was wrong. I thank God for giving me a tender conscience and helping me to listen to His voice.

The Lord dealt with my heart individually. I am so glad that one night He really pinned me down and showed me that I needed to do something about giving Him my heart for time and eternity. I had a personality that wanted to have my own way. I remember one evening so well. I had an argument with some member of the family and went to my room. I was going to sit and feel sorry for myself thinking about it. But I am so glad that before I reached my room, walking down the long hall, the Lord really talked to my heart and said, “You should go and pray.”

I dropped to my knees at my bedside all alone and asked God to be merciful to me a sinner. That was a hard thing for me to say because I felt that, because of my Christian home, I was a little better than some of my school friends. I was a little different on the outside, but down in my heart I wasn’t any different. I am so glad that the Lord forgave me that evening. His love was extended to me so wonderfully, even though I had just pushed Him aside and wanted to go my own way. That night the Lord gave me peace; He gave me happiness and joy. It wasn’t something in my head, but it was down in my heart. It is a wonderful treasure to me today!

That has been many years ago, and I have had a lot to learn in those years, but I can say I am happier today than I have ever been. The Lord has been with me through all my school days. Now out in the business world for many years, I have met all kinds of situations, all kinds of people, and all kinds of religions, but I haven’t found anything that would hold a candle to this wonderful happiness that the Lord has put in my heart.

I have had quite a struggle with cancer in my life for a good many years. Not long ago I was talking to some of the family who were concerned about what care I might need in the future. When I mentioned this to the doctor he said, “Well if you’d asked me in 1986 when you came to me, I would have given you one year, but you fooled me and now I don’t know what to think.” He comments every time I have to go in to see him that it’s just a remarkable situation. The last time I went to see him he said, “The Lord has been with you.” I’m so glad that I could count on the Lord to bring me through this. He has given me good health. Sometimes it’s hard to pray for my healing when I feel so good.

I just thank God that He is with me every day. I love Him with all my heart, and as long as He gives me strength and health I intend to give it back to Him. I am happy today. I am not discontented with the Gospel, but I feel like I want to press forward and give my best to the Lord for He has done so much for me.