“Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the Lord will be with you.” (2 Chronicles 20:17)
After covering the reigns of David and Solomon in previous chapters of 1 and 2 Chronicles, today’s text begins when Israel divided into two nations: the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Chapter 10 to the end of 2 Chronicles is the history of the kings of Judah. There is a pattern evident throughout these chapters: when the king followed God, the people did as well, resulting in national peace. When the king turned from God, the people also often rebelled, and suffered the consequences.
After Solomon’s death in 930 B.C., his son Rehoboam ascended to the throne. The new ruler solicited advice from Solomon’s counselors as well as his own peers, but he did not seek God for help. When he took the recommendation of his contemporaries, the ten northern tribes declared their independence, leaving only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin under Rehoboam’s control. To strengthen Judah, Rehoboam fortified fifteen cities to the west and south of Jerusalem. However, he did evil and allowed the people of Judah to worship idols, “because he prepared not his heart to seek the Lord” (2 Chronicles 12:14).
Abijah followed Rehoboam on Judah’s throne, and reigned three years. Although Abijah was not righteous, God worked for Judah during this time because the people continued to worship and honor Him. Chapter 13 describes a battle that took place between the armies of Abijah and those of Jeroboam, ruler of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Through God’s power, Judah won even though they were greatly outnumbered by Israel.
The next king of Judah, Asa, ruled over the nation for forty-one years; his reign is summarized in chapters 14 through 16. Asa did right before God at the beginning of his reign and there was peace and prosperity in the land for ten years. Chapter 15 records that in the fifteenth year of his reign, Asa was warned by the prophet Azariah to continue seeking God. His first recorded act after this warning was to “put away the abominable idols” throughout the land (15:8). Then he gathered all the people of Judah together, and they were joined by some from the northern tribes who wanted to be part of a committed return to God. The people renewed their covenant with God, pledging to seek Him with all their hearts. Sadly, after God had given Asa great victories, he stopped trusting the Lord, became resistant to God, and suffered from disease.
Chapters 17 through 20 record the reign of Jehoshaphat, who succeeded his father Asa. Because he sought God and followed the Lord’s commandments, God established the kingdom in his hand, and “he had riches and honour in abundance” (2 Chronicles 17:5). God brought mighty deliverances when Jehoshaphat looked to the Lord for help. However, later in his life he made an unwise military alliance with the wicked King Ahab of Israel, and this led to Judah’s involvement in a conflict with Syria in which Ahab was killed. Jehoshaphat’s life was spared and he returned safely to Jerusalem, but he was rebuked by Jehu the prophet for his alliance with Ahab. The final chapter of today’s text relates the invasion of Judah by the combined forces of the Moabites, Ammonites, and other allies, Jehoshaphat’s prayer, and the subsequent deliverance of Judah and defeat of her enemies.
Today, God is still willing to “show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). We can learn from the example of the kings of Judah how important it is to avail ourselves of that promise.
The same God who worked for the people of Judah wants to work for us today. May we seek to obey His instructions and trust Him with all our hearts. As we do, He will be glorified in us, He will be with us as we face spiritual battles, and we can expect Him to be mindful of every detail of our lives.