our churches


portland Church

Our Pastor

Reverend Dave Lambert was born in Vancouver, Washington, in 1968 and grew up attending the Portland Apostolic Faith Church. He was saved by his bedside at the age of fourteen, and the change God made in his life was notable. He testifies, “All the bitterness, the filthy mouth and lying tongue, were cleaned up in a moment of time. I didn’t do that—the Lord did it!” At age sixteen, Dave and his family moved to the Visalia, California, area and started attending our church in Woodlake. He met his future wife, Rosie, through various church activities in California. She had given her heart to Jesus at age four and had a wonderful testimony of God’s goodness in her life. After dating for nearly eight years, Dave proposed and they were married. In August of 2018 they celebrated twenty-five years of marriage.
Dave and Rosie have two daughters, Diana and Holly. After their second daughter was born, doctors found that Rosie had stage four ovarian cancer. God had His hand in helping the doctors find the cancer and also providing a wonderful surgeon in the Bay area to perform cancer surgery, and today she is well. Additionally, the baby was born with Werdnig Hoffmann Syndrome, an incurable disease that involves spinal muscular atrophy. Doctors said she would probably only live to age two or three, but God healed her and she is now a healthy fourteen year old.Dave became a minister at the Apostolic Faith Church in Woodlake in 1998, and then became the pastor there in 2015. In 2018 he moved to Portland with his wife, two daughters, and mother-in-law to take on the role of pastor. The Portland congregation is grateful for their willingness to move here and the kindness they have already shown!