Debbie and I, along with Tim and Lisa DeBusk, are scheduled to travel to the Caribbean on March 11. Lord willing, we will visit our St. Thomas church and then dedicate churches at the Tortola and St. Maarten locations before returning home on March 20. Other upcoming travel from headquarters includes the following:
March 14-25: Bob and Cheryl Downey to Atlanta, Georgia, for a pastor’s conference, and then to visit branch churches in Washington D.C., Richmond, Virginia, and St. Louis, Missouri.
March 20-April 12: John and Rodica Musgrave to Nigeria, the Republic of Benin, Ghana, and then to the Zambia camp meeting, which begins on April 7.
April 11-22: Debbie and I to Norway for the Scandinavian camp meeting.
We pray the Lord’s hand will be over all of these travel plans.
We are thankful the Wolfe family has returned home safely from India after a successful trip in which many were saved. Please pray for continued safety and success as Deanna Moen and Jane Burton remain there through the end of January to conduct Vacation Bible School.
Several others are currently traveling abroad or scheduled to do so soon. We pray God’s hand will be over the following:
Jan 13-30
Deanna Moen and Jane Burton are in India for Vacation Bible School
Jan 17-30
John Musgrave and Harlan Lee are visiting our churches in Romania
Jan 18-30
Bob and Cheryl Downey are in St. Vincent
Jan 29-Feb 7
Tim and Lisa DeBusk to the Dominican Republic
Jan 31-Feb 16
Bill and Lori McKibben to the Philippines
Feb 8-18
Sam and Shade Ajayi, Josephine McKelvine, and Elvido and Jayne Ortiz to Chile for camp meeting, which takes place Feb 11-18
Feb 19-Mar 6
Sam and Shade Ajayi to Argentina
Mar 19-Apr 6
Darrel Lee with Randy and Oscar Lee to South Africa for camp meeting,Zimbabwe, and Zambia (for the first five days of camp meeting)
Mar 23-Apr 7
Wayne and Lisa Butler to Norway for Palm Sunday and the Easter season camp meeting
We are thankful Sam and Shade Ajayi have returned safely from the Australia camp meeting and revival meetings. As you read in recent world reports, they visited our saints in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth. They also explored expanding into Brisbane where we have contacts.
John Musgrave, Harlan Lee, and their spouses are presently in Romania visiting our churches. The first report will be posted on Monday. They are due back home on November 11.
Deanna Moen and Jane Burton depart for India next Thursday, November 7. Sister Deanna will spend four weeks there and will be joined later by Peter and Heidi Sletmoe.
Debbie and I are scheduled to depart for South Africa on December 3. After a week there we will move on to the Zimbabwe camp meeting before returning home on December 20.
Bill McKibben, Mark Staller, and their spouses are scheduled to depart late Christmas Day for a trip that will take them to the Philippines and South Korea before returning home January 13.
Closer to home, Bob and Cheryl Downey left yesterday on a trip that will take them to visit our churches in Grants Pass, Oregon; Eureka, Richmond, Sacramento, Woodlake, Tehachapi, and Los Angeles, California; and Phoenix, Arizona. They are scheduled to return November 12.
Please pray for safe traveling and God’s presence in these many services as well as a blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas season for everyone in our home churches.
I am scheduled to travel to Africa on February 3 and visit several locations in Nigeria, Ghana, and the Republic of Benin before returning home February 20. Others traveling on behalf of headquarters prior to the Portland March meetings include the following.
January 25 to February 2: Mark and Rosemary Worthington to Jamaica, accompanied by Blessing Adaramola of Pullman, Washington, Adegoriola Asaya of Portland, and Lara Rosen of Los Angeles, California.
January 28 to February 4: Tim and Lisa DeBusk to the Dominican Republic.
February 9-16: Elvido Ortiz, and John and Ana Wyatt Sr. to the Chile camp meeting.
February 9-25: Clark Wolfe to the Maharashtra Province of India, accompanied by Johnny Wyatt Jr. of Brooklyn, New York, and joined midway through by Joel Andersen of Portland.
February 12-25: Harlan Lee and Jeff Downey to Romania.
In addition, John and Rodica Musgrave are scheduled to attend camp meeting in Lusaka, Zambia, April 2-14.
Please pray for traveling mercies and that God’s hand will be over all the resulting services and activities.
Debbie and I leave Thursday, July 26, for special services in St. Louis, Missouri, and then will continue on to the first three full days of Midwest camp meeting, which begins July 31.
Others traveling to camp meetings on behalf of Portland are as follows:
We also request prayer for other camp meetings and youth camps taking place at home and abroad.
On Sunday, June 9, Deivys Pichardo was publicly installed as Dominican Republic District Superintendent. He has requested that the following summary of my statements made during the installation service be shared.
Summary of June 9, 2019 Installation of Deivys Pichardo as District Superintendent, Dominican Republic
La Romana Headquarters Church
1. As promised in February, we came to formally install Deivys Pichardo as District Superintendent. His appointment was effective February 2, 2019.
2. A review of procedures we follow worldwide was given.
3. First, we consult with the Apostolic Faith constitution. Consistent with Apostolic Faith constitutions worldwide, the Apostolic Faith Dominican Republic constitution stipulates that the Superintendent of world headquarters in Portland must appoint the Dominican Republic District Superintendent and board members. Second, we make sure the Apostolic Faith constitution conforms to the laws of the country. The Dominican Republic Apostolic Faith church constitution conforms. Third, before making appointments, the Superintendent General, or his appointee (usually Director of regional work), consults with local board members and veteran pastors who have demonstrated loyalty to the worldwide organization.
4. Next, we consider the criteria and the call.
5. Next I described how I came to hear of Brother Deivys Pichardo.
6. After prayerful consideration and consultation with the Dominican Republic board members, we came to believe during the first part of 2019 that the mantle of leadership for the District Superintendent of the Dominican Republic work was to fall on Brother Deivys Pichardo. Brother Mills and the Board agreed. Brother Deivys assumed the post on February 2, 2019.
7. When it comes to ordinations and installations, we follow the Bible model, which is to publically lay hands on the appointee. Several verses were cited, including Numbers 27:18-23, Acts 6:6, Acts 13:2-3, 1 Timothy 2-3, 1 Timothy 4:13-14, 2 Timothy 1:6 and 1 Timothy 5:22.
8. Some have questioned why we do not anoint with oil. Oil was used in the Old Testament when it came time to ordain the priest. We are not ordaining a priest. We already have a high priest in Jesus Christ. It was also used in installing a king, but we are not installing a king. In the New Testament, it was used to pray over the sick, but we are not praying over the sick today. The Biblical model for installing a leader is the laying on of hands.
9. Inasmuch as Brother Deivys Pichardo meets the criteria as the entire congregation can witness, and we believe has been called by God to fill this role, Brother Tim, the Dominican Republic Board, Brother Mills and I laid hands on him and prayed over him with the congregation joining us. We also prayed over Sister King, the most recent board member added.
10. It was announced that all around the world that the district superintendent also serves as senior pastor at the headquarters church. The board, including Brother Hector, agreed to move forward in a unified manner with Brother Deivys serving as the La Romana senior pastor. Brother Hector endorsed the appointment and pledged his complete support and loyalty to Brother Deivys and the worldwide order of the Apostolic Faith.
11. After we prayed over Brother Deivys and Sister King, I gave the congregation an opportunity to show their support by standing. As near as I could tell, everyone stood, pledging their loyalty to Brother Deivys, Sister King, and the order of the Apostolic Faith worldwide.
12. The meeting was then turned over to Brother Deivys, who proceeded to read the names of pastors and ministers who were given certificates from headquarters. They all moved to the alter area, where board members and Brother Mills gathered to lay hands on them, praying over them.
13. We thank God that He is helping the Dominican Republic work move forward in a unified manner.
El domingo, 9 de junio, Deivys Pichardo fue instalado públicamente como Superintendente de Distrito de la República Dominicana. Él ha pedido que la resumen siguiente de mis declaraciones hechas durante el servicio de instalación sean compartidos.
Resumen del 9 de junio de 2019 Instalación de Deivys Pichardo como Superintendente de Distrito, República Dominicana
En la Romana, Iglesia Sede.
1. Como se prometió en febrero, venimos para instalar formalmente a Deivys Pichardo como Superintendente del Distrito. Su nombramiento fue efectivo el 2 de febrero de 2019.
2. Una revisión de los procedimientos que seguimos en todo el mundo fue dado.
3. En primer lugar, consultamos con la constitución de la Fe Apostólica. Consistente con las constituciones de la Fe Apostólica en todo el mundo, la constitución de la República Dominicana de Fe Apostólica estipula que el Superintendente de la Sede Mundial en Portland debe nombrar al Superintendente de Distrito de la República Dominicana y miembros de la junta. Segundo, nos aseguramos de que la constitución de la Fe Apostólica se ajuste a las leyes del país. La constitución de la iglesia de la Fe Apostólica de la república dominicana está de acuerdo. En tercer lugar, antes de hacer una instalación, el Superintendente General, o su designado (generalmente Director de la obra regional), consulta con los miembros de la junta local y los pastores veteranos que han demostrado lealtad a la organización mundial.
4. A continuación, consideramos los criterios y la convocatoria.
5. A continuación, describí cómo llegué a conocer al hermano Deivys Pichardo.
6. Después de reflexionar y consultar con los miembros de la junta de la República Dominicana, durante la primera parte de 2019 llegamos a creer que el liderazgo del Superintendente de Distrito de la República Dominicana debía caer sobre el hermano Deivys Pichardo. El hermano Mills y la Junta estuvieron de acuerdo. El hermano Deivys asumió el cargo el 2 de febrero de 2019.
7. Cuando se trata de ordenaciones e instalaciones, seguimos el modelo bíblico, que consiste en imponer las manos públicamente a las personas designadas. Se citaron varios versículos, incluyendo Números 27: 18-23, Hechos 6: 6, Hechos 13: 2-3, 1 Timoteo 2-3, 1 Timoteo 4: 13-14, 2 Timoteo 1: 6 y 1 Timoteo 5:22.
8. Algunos han cuestionado por qué no ungimos con aceite. El aceite se usaba en el Antiguo Testamento cuando llegó el momento de ordenar al sacerdote. No estamos ordenando un sacerdote. Ya tenemos un sumo sacerdote en Jesucristo. También se usó para instalar un rey, pero no estamos instalando un rey. En el Nuevo Testamento, se usaba para orar por los enfermos, pero hoy no estamos orando por los enfermos. El modelo bíblico para instalar un líder es la imposición de manos.
9. En la medida en que el Hermano Deivys Pichardo cumple con los criterios que toda la congregación puede testificar, y creemos que Dios nos ha pedido que cumpla esta función, el Hermano Tim, la Junta de la República Dominicana, el Hermano Mills y yo le pusimos las manos encima y oramos por él con la congregación uniéndose a nosotros. También oramos por la hermana King, agregó el miembro más reciente de la junta.
10. Se anunció que en todo el mundo el Superintendente de Distrito también sirve como pastor principal en la iglesia de la sede. La junta, incluido el Hermano Héctor, acordó avanzar de manera unificada con el Hermano Deivys que sirve como pastor principal de La Romana. El hermano Héctor respaldó el nombramiento y prometió su total apoyo y lealtad al hermano Deivys y al orden mundial de la fe apostólica.
11. Después de orar por el hermano Deivys y la hermana King, le di a la congregación la oportunidad de mostrar su apoyo poniéndose de pie. Por lo que pude ver, todos se pusieron de pie, prometiendo su lealtad al Hermano Deivys, a la hermana King y al orden de la Fe apostólica en todo el mundo.
12. La reunión fue luego entregada al Hermano Deivys, quien procedió a leer los nombres de los pastores y ministros que recibieron certificados del cuartel general. Todos se mudaron al área del altar, donde los miembros de la junta y el Hermano Mills se reunieron para ponerles las manos, orando por ellos.
13. Agradecemos a Dios que está ayudando a la República Dominicana a avanzar de manera unificada.