Easter greetings from Lusaka, Zambia, the site of our East Africa camp meeting!
The anticipation leading up to this series of services stands in contrast to the emotions that preceded that first Easter nearly two millennia ago. We awoke this morning excited at the prospect of celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection on the Lord’s Day in God’s House. Mary and the women with her awoke on that morning long ago in sorrow, wondering how they might properly prepare the Lord’s body for a more permanent burial. However, before the day was over, the sorrow of all the disciples was replaced with rejoicing at the knowledge that Jesus was alive.
Today, Jesus still lives! We are witnesses of His resurrection power by virtue of the fact that we have experienced Him. He saved us from our sins and lives within us from day to day. That is just one of the reasons that we began and will end this day celebrating the marvelous truth that Jesus has risen and lives forevermore.
On behalf of the Portland world headquarters, happy Easter everyone!