world report

God Blesses Mightily at WECA Camp Meeting

Faith City, Igbesa
August 26, 2022

From the Superintendent's DESK

On Thursday evening, I arrived at the Anthony Village campground in Nigeria where the Western and Central Africa (WECA) camp meeting continues through Sunday, August 28.

Before my arrival here, I received an email from Isaac Adigun, the WECA District Superintendent, saying that God was blessing in a mighty way. He said that during the first week, the Friday and Sunday evening services were preempted by prayer. This happened after hundreds stayed on their knees seeking God from the close of each service to the start of the next. Since then, proving that God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, more than two thousand have reported receiving salvation!

Here are reports from that first week written by various attendees.

Monday, August 15
In the evening, a film titled “A Diary of Revival” was shown in the main auditorium and at viewing stations across the campground. It recounted the outbreak of the 1904 reawakening sparked by the prayers of Evan Roberts. Afterward, viewers crowded around the altars at the various stations and cried out to God for revival and many prayed through to various Christian experiences.

Tuesday, August 16
Bible Teaching
The first Bible teaching started with a choir and orchestra prelude that included “By Grace Are Ye Saved.” The testimony service was carried by representatives from Liberia and the Ikot Enwang region of Nigeria. One brother thanked God for healing him of Type 1 diabetes and protecting him during a terrible car accident. Another testified of being delivered from armed robbers. A sister praised God for bringing her out of an adulterous relationship and providing the means for all her children to attend school.

For the message, Ini Emmah took his text from Matthew 7:24-27 and spoke on “Building on the Spiritual Foundation.” He explained that the Christian experiences of salvation, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit are the foundation upon which all people should build their lives.

Evangelical Service
In the evening, the evangelistic service began with the orchestra playing “Since I Have Been Redeemed.” Then the choir sang “Oh It Thrills Me.” Congregants from Niger and the Ekiti region of Nigeria had the floor for the testimony service. One brother praised God for healing his broken leg, and another claimed a camp meeting blessing, saying God had healed him of a worrisome illness. A sister thanked God for establishing a church in her hometown.

Following the testimonies, the choir sang “Why Not You?” and then Josiah Akioya brought the Word of God. Reading from Genesis 35:1-2, he said anyone who wants to receive of God must let go of every idol and return to "Bethel" as Jacob did.

Wednesday, August 17
Bible Teaching
The Bible teaching began with a revival medley of “Trust and Obey” played by a woodwind ensemble. This was followed by the choir singing “Send the Old-Time Fire.” The testimony service was turned over to saints from Cameroon and the Ibadan region of Nigeria. A sister thanked God for healing her hand completely after the doctors had declared she would not use it again. A brother testified that after many years, God had answered prayer and blessed his marriage with a child. Another thanked God for healing two of his children—one of epilepsy and the other of meningitis. He also gave praise to God for shielding the Cameroon congregation from harm during the six-year war.

The last special before the message was a duet titled “Search Me, O Lord.” Then Psalm 85:4 and Habakkuk 3:2 were the opening texts as Akin Ajayi began the teaching on “Pursuing Revival: Practical Steps.” He defined revival as a spiritual revolution powered by the Holy Spirit who fills recipients with the fire of God. He enjoined the children of God to examine their ways and turn to Him.

Youth Meeting
The service opened with “Battle Hymn of the Republic” presented by a brass ensemble. Following this, the youth choir sang “By Faith.” Then the congregation sang heartily of Jesus, our Great Physician, and Anchor. The testimony service was thrilling as the young people gave glory to God for the numerous blessings He has bestowed on them.

A trio sang “Try Jesus” and then Itoro Etim brought the word of exhortation. He spoke of the children of Israel being miraculously delivered from servitude in Egypt, saying that day became a memorial for them. He stated that in like manner, there is a day of memorial for everyone who seeks God in prayer and receives. The meeting was followed by fervent prayer.

Evangelistic Service
The evening service was special, because the youth were invited to sit in the main auditorium rather than in the main bowl as usual. During the prelude, the choir sang and Igbo song: “Bianu Ka Anyi Kele Jehovah." The testimony service was reserved for brethren from Togo and the Abuja region of Nigeria. A brother testified of being delivered from destruction during the crisis in Northern Nigeria. Another thanked God for the blessing of a child after eight years. A sister praised God for sustaining her while she was on oxygen after a doctor told her she had three months to live.

A quartet sang the last special of “Why Not Tonight?” to usher in the sermon by Emmanuel Mboma. He read the opening text of Isaiah 61:1 for the sermon titled “Opening of The Prison Doors.” Then he declared a jubilee from all oppressions of the devil. He encouraged the congregation to take the action necessary for God to open every prison. As the service was closing, people stepped forward to the altars and prayed fervently.

Thursday, August 18
Bible Teaching
The Bible teaching started with orchestra playing “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.” For the testimonies, brethren from Ghana and the Abesan Adjunct region of Nigeria were given the floor. Several testified of being healed, including a sister who said God healed her of diabetes after twenty-three years, and another who was healed of severe headaches. A brother testified that God gave him a promise to restore his daughter's six barren years, and then blessed her with triplets. Others told of blessings received during this camp meeting. A seventy-year-old brother said God healed him of arthritis. A sister said her husband who had left her for another woman came to the camp meeting, prayed, and was saved.

The last special before the Bible teaching was “The mirror of truth.” John Bekoe, the Ghana Country Leader, took his opening text from Titus 2:1, 15, and taught on “Sound Doctrine.” He said it is the undebatable and incontrovertible Word of God and no one should attempt to alter it as warned in Deuteronomy 4:3. He also said the Apostolic Faith was founded on sound doctrine and went over the doctrines taught by the church. 

French Service
A French service was held in the afternoon, led by Rachel Fakorede. It began with a brass quartet playing several numbers including “Jésus, Par Ton Sang Précieux,” meaning “Jesus, By Your Precious Blood.” The testimony service was preceded by the song “Nous Te Louons Dieu!” (We Praise Thee O Lord). The sermon on “Dieu Va Te Redresser” (God Will Straighten You Up) was delivered by Anastase Djomatin.

Evangelistic Service
In the evening, the youth were again invited to sit in the main auditorium. The prelude included a choir song of “Don’t Say No to Jesus.” The testimony service was reserved for representatives from The Gambia and the Ogun region of Nigeria. One young boy boldly stood and said he is committed to serving God to the end. He thanked God for saving and healing him during the pandemic. He said that when he could not breathe, he and his mother prayed, and he felt the healing touch of Jesus.

Before the message, an octet sang “The Spirit Says Come.” Then Tayo Adejumo took his text from John 1:45-46 and exhorted the congregation to meet Jesus who has power to do all things.

Friday, August 19
Bible Teaching
The bible teaching started with the orchestra playing “Peace Like a River” and the choir singing “The Old Gospel Ship.” The testimony service was turned over to those from Cote D’Ivoire, Gabon, and the Faith City headquarters church. One brother praised God for raising him up when he was in a coma after having a stroke. A sister thanked God for healing her legs, so she can walk. Another praised God for providing the way and the means for a church to be built during the pandemic in her location.

Before the message, a quartet sang “Old paths.” Then Edet Bassey presented the topic of “A Pure Gospel” with his opening text from Mark 1:14-15. He said the pure Gospel is the undiluted Word of God, free from contamination, and people need to hear it in these last days.   

Youth Meeting
The service began with an organ solo of “Tocatta on Amazing Grace.” Then the choir sang joyfully “It’s Different Now.” Before the opening prayer, the congregation sang a prayerful “I Need Thee.” In the testimony service, the young people told of God’s power to save, keep, and deliver. The last special was titled “Room for Jesus” and then Nike Ajayi gave the sermon on “This Same Jesus.” She took her text from Hebrews 13:8 and emphasized that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

An Unscheduled Prayer Service
The evangelistic service took an unexpected turn from the schedule. While workers were gathering in the prayer room in advance of the service, the young people were still tarrying in prayer following the youth meeting. Brother Isaac advised, “Let’s not be fire extinguishers” and called on the workers to join the youth at the altars to encourage them. Soon, young and old alike were pouring out their hearts to God, and the revival fires continued to burn well past the allotted service time. Many blessings were received during this unscheduled prayer service.

Saturday, August 20
Sunday School Teachers’ Conference
A three-hour conference was held for the Sunday school teachers in the morning. The session covered such topics as teaching techniques and how to give a review. Also, a sample lesson was demonstrated.

The annual camp meeting concert took place in the afternoon with more than five hundred choristers from across WECA performing. The choir rendered heart-warming pieces, including “We Praise Thee, O God.” In addition to English, the concert featured songs in the languages of Efik, French, Igbo, and Yoruba. The orchestra played several numbers, and among them was “Stayed Upon Jehovah.” They also joined the choir for “Israel in Egypt.” The audience of nearly 10,000 was not left out, and they jubilantly sang “Praise My Soul the King of Heaven.” The concert concluded with a prayer session.

Sunday, August 21
Sunday School
During the general assembly, the elementary school children from the Ibadan region presented a program titled “O Lord Revive Thy Work.” The young evangelists echoed the promises from God’s Word to revive His people, and cited such examples as Ezekiel’s prophecy in the valley of dry bones. The program concluded with a strong exhortation for all to seek God who is willing to bless, irrespective of one’s position.

Bolaji Popoola taught the lesson, which was titled “Persecution of Christ’s Followers” and had a text of Matthew 20:15-28. He brought out that persecution is inevitable for Christians, but God’s grace is always available and sufficient for every situation. Following the lesson, James Tifase gave a review that encouraged all to remain firm in the faith. He said that just as God helped Moses, David, and others, he will help Christians today.

Devotional Service
The service featured many inspiring songs including the choir number “Mighty Jehovah” and the first special “Send a Great Revival in My Soul.” For the message, Emmanuel Moh took his text from 1 Kings 18:40 and spoke on “Overcoming Hindrances to Revival.” He encouraged everyone listening to take the right steps toward revival. The service was attended by over seventeen thousand, and many went to prayer afterward.

Youth Meeting
The service started with an orchestra piece titled “We Are So Blessed.” The choir then gave a beautiful song in French titled “With God, We Will Do Exploits.” The testimonies came from foreign guests and the Enugu and Ikot-Enwang regions of Nigeria. Many of the young people testified to receiving their foundational experiences. The sermon was given by Phidias Medessou and was titled “A Happy Man.” He admonished the young people to stay away from sin, saying the one who enjoys God’s favor will be happy.

An Unscheduled Prayer Service
The prayer meeting that followed the youth service extended into the evening service, which was then cancelled. Ministers and workers joined the seekers at the altar, and the prayer meeting continued once again well past the evening service time.

More than five thousand have reported receiving something from God during the camp meeting. We thank God for these victories and look forward to more as individuals continue to tarry in prayer.     

occasion / dates
WECA Camp Meeting
August 14-28, 2022