The mail brings in prayer requests for all kinds of distresses. Urgent needs are written on the prayer chapel board where workers gather each day for prayer. Many of the requests are posted on the Apostolic Faith website, so people around the world can join in immediate prayer for others. Every staff member who helps with answering mail is accustomed to spending time in prayer over his or her response to a particular letter, sometimes temporarily setting the letter aside until the right answer is clear. God so graciously provides the guidance and strength necessary to successfully carry out this ministry.
Often, a follow-up letter comes with words such as these: “Since I wrote you asking prayer for my husband who was a drunkard, he has quit drinking and is now working and supporting the family.”
“My delinquent teenage boy who left home has returned and is going to school and taking an interest in the better things of life.”
A daughter wrote concerning her sick mother: “My mother was very ill for a long time with a serious type of anemia. The doctor said her case was hopeless, that he knew of only two other cases like hers, and both had died. If Mother did live, he said that she would have to take shots every day of her life. However, your prayers have been answered. She is healed and does not take any shots at all.”
As workers read and answer the letters, they establish a caring and personal connection with individuals who write on a regular basis.
One of the letter readers who currently works in the Apostolic Faith office recently remarked, “You can never be the same after reading some of the mail that comes to our office.” How marvelous it is that God answers prayer for so many people!