The 53,000 square foot building houses a main sanctuary with seating for approximately 1,000 people. Inside the front door, a narthex provides a place to welcome visitors. Display racks on both sides of the area feature a selection of the religious publications printed by the organization. Sunday school classrooms, an activity area, a kitchen, music room, nursery, and library are all accessible from the hallway that encircles the sanctuary. On the east side of the building, a smaller chapel constructed with the same shape and roofline as the main structure provides a facility for youth services. Covered drive-through areas extend into the parking lot on each side of the building, offering a sheltered area for cars to stop and unload passengers.

The Beginners’ Sunday School Department is located on the west side of the building. The Primary Department is on the second floor, along with the Junior Department. Eighth grade, high school, college age, and adult Sunday school classes are held in the classrooms surrounding the sanctuary on the main floor.