The motto of the Apostolic Faith Mission in the United Kingdom is “Win Europe back for Christ.” The energetic believers there are doing all they can to turn that vision into a reality. The work, initially begun through the efforts of Nigerian students in the London area, is progressing, and the past few years have been fruitful in the work of the Lord. In the United Kingdom, there are now established Apostolic Faith groups in Bolton, Birmingham, Norwich, Leicester, and Sheffield, and in Aberdeen, Scotland. In mainland Europe, there are groups gathering in Italy, France, and Holland; one is also beginning in the Republic of Ireland. Groups of workers go regularly from the London headquarters church to lend support to these groups. During the visits, evangelism and literature distribution form the major thrust of the outreach efforts.
The first annual United Kingdom camp meeting was held in 2001 at a rented campsite. At the camp meeting in 2004, representatives from eleven countries were present, as well as from sixteen cities within the U.K. The campground that year was Cefn Lea Park, a Christian Conference center in Newtown, Wales. By the end of the week, the location was dubbed the “Valley of Blessings” as God poured out abundant spiritual blessings on the campers.
The London congregation owns a church property in Peckham, but the expanding group has outgrown those facilities, and they are currently looking for a larger place. The church members are active in their evangelistic efforts, continually inviting people to their services and giving out tracts in buses, trains, and market places. A regular outreach among the homeless began in January of 2002; volunteers go out with tea, coffee, sandwiches, and bundles of literature to share the Gospel with the people living mainly in the city center under the bridges and in some of the rougher areas of London.
Sunday school classes at the London Apostolic Faith Church continue to grow. Closely connected with the Sunday school work is the Sunday afternoon Youth Club for Christ (YCC), which God has blessed abundantly over the years. Nearly every Sunday there are new faces in attendance at the services, and God continues to satisfy hungry hearts with salvation.