Blessings Abound at First Togo Camp Meeting

January 8, 2024

Blessings Abound at First Togo Camp Meeting

The year 2023 brought a milestone to our churches in Togo: the first Apostolic Faith camp meeting of Togo was held December 24-29.

In anticipation of the event, for several weeks the Togo saints held prayer meetings concentrated on seeking God’s direction, blessings, and protection. One particular concern was the government’s policy barring religious conventions within the city. God undertook and sent a brother to offer the use of his school complex as a camp meeting site. The buildings provided lodging and a large tent served as the place of worship.  

A minister’s and worker’s conference preceded the camp meeting, taking place on Saturday, December 23, with fifty-six in attendance. It was led by Johnson Okpo of Lagos, Nigeria, on the topic of “The Church and Spiritual Qualifications.” First, he reminded those present that the true Church is made up of individuals whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Also, that the redeemed are given victory to live pure, exemplary lives in accordance with God’s Word. In addition, he stressed the need for unity among the brethren, saying it enables the Church to fulfill its purpose. The conference concluded with prayer around the altars as many searched their hearts and deepened their consecrations.

The official opening of the camp meeting took place on Sunday, December 24, with the theme “O Lord, Revive Thy Work” taken from Habakkuk 3:2. There were 321 in attendance with representatives from all ten branch churches in Togo. In addition, delegates came from the Republic of Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Niger, and the Western and Central Africa (WECA) headquarters.

The morning message was given by the Togo Country District Superintendent, Francois Adechi Bobo. Taking his text from Isaiah 26:19 and Ephesians 2:1-2, he asked the question, “Are you ready for revival?” He said sinners are spiritually dead, but through repentance and forgiveness can be made alive. He also encouraged believers to allow God to revive anything spiritually dead in their lives. He named some of the things that hinder revival and said these can be removed from one’s life through prayer and consecration. At the close of the service, the altars filled as seekers rushed to pray.

In the evening, a concert was held and all who attended were blessed by the praise and worship of God through music. Many in the audience were visitors of varying religions. Earlier, Gospel workers had gone throughout the local area extending invitations and received a good response. That evangelistic effort continued through the remainder of the camp meeting.  

Monday was set aside as a day for sharing, following the example given in Acts 4:35: “And distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” Through God’s provision, many donations had been made of clothing and accessories. These were made available for all campers to choose from.

The camp meeting continued daily with morning teachings and evening evangelistic services. These brought inspiring messages, testimonies, and music. Among the sermon topics were “Salvation,” “Sanctification,” “The Baptism of the Holy Ghost,” and “Christian Unity and Brotherly Love.” During the testimonies, the redeemed proclaimed the power in the Blood of Jesus to save, sanctify, and fill with the Holy Spirit. They also told of God’s mercy in healing all manner of diseases and delivering from dangers.

Following each service, many went to the altars and sought God with fervent prayer. The result was that His blessings abounded: ninety-eight souls claimed salvation, forty received sanctification, and twenty-six were baptized with the Holy Ghost. In addition, forty-seven were healed of various ailments.

We thank God for His many blessings poured out during this first Togo camp meeting, and pray that His Spirit will be received and established in the hearts of all who attended.

apostolic faith magazine