August 23, 2021

Short Takes Fall 2021


Audio Version of our Daily Devotionals in French

In September of 2019, a team of translators at the Apostolic Faith Church in Paris, France, began producing a French version of the daily devotional from the world headquarters church website. Then in May of the following year, they began posting an audio version of the same. Both the print and audio versions are accessible through the Paris church’s website at

For those who have not been following the daily devotionals, a new unit of Daybreak devotionals began on August 23. Over the course of three months, the lessons will go chapter by chapter through the Books of Genesis, Exodus, and Job. Then in November, another Daybreak unit will begin, covering the books of Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 Kings. The English version is available at, and it is not too late to join in!

Answer Curriculum Redesign

Our Answer Sunday school curriculum was originally produced in the 1970s as a four-year study for students grades four through eight. Each lesson includes an assigned Bible text, lesson story, memory verse, and activity, and for over four decades, the lessons have been used to teach Bible truths to thousands upon thousands of children. While the teachings are timeless, it was determined that the graphics could use a refresh, so in 2016 the design team at the world headquarters office began producing an updated look for the series. In the process, it was a blessing to have some of the new illustrations drawn by talented young artists who themselves had studied the lessons in their childhoods.

The team produced one new unit every quarter until the project was fully completed in 2020. We all look forward to more generations of Apostolic Faith youth growing in the Lord with the Answer lessons as Jesus tarries.

Zambia Meetings Yield Many Blessings

Our churches throughout Zambia held three days of special meetings April 2-4, 2021. The activities included Bible teachings, evangelistic services, and in some locations, concerts. In the Central Province alone, where we have three churches, twenty-eight people reported receiving blessings from the Lord. Among them, eight received salvation, three were sanctified, and one was filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Special youth meetings were held at the Mpulungu church on Friday through Monday, April 23-26. The Sunday testimony service was especially moving with many telling of God’s power to save and protect. By the close of the services, six had prayed and received salvation, two had received sanctification, and two had been baptized with the Holy Spirit. There were many other blessings reported as well, including nineteen healings.

A new outreach opportunity has emerged in Katuba, which is about eighteen miles north of Lusaka. When a member of the Chikumbi congregation moved there, he requested that a team from Chikumbi come and hold meetings. They did, and as a result, about ten people are now gathering each week for services. In addition, one woman who attended on June 27 prayed through to salvation and sanctification.

Another outreach effort took place in Chinyunyu on the farm of a brother who relocated there from Chazanga. A mission team of about fifty from Lusaka went on April 4 to hold an evangelistic meeting, and over one hundred locals attended. Among those present was the senior man of the village, and following the service, he allocated a parcel of land for the building of a place of worship.

First Water Baptism in Kasulu, Tanzania

Special meetings were held in Kasulu, Tanzania, on May 16-23. Gospel workers came from three different provinces to help with the meetings, which included Bible teachings and evangelistic services. During the week, three people prayed through to salvation, three received sanctification, and one was baptized with the Holy Spirit. In addition, seventeen were healed. On Saturday, May 22, the three new converts were baptized in a nearby river. This was the first water baptismal service to be held in the area as the Kasulu work is relatively new.

apostolic faith magazine