Walking with God through the Valley
This testimony was originally published in the May 1999 edition of our magazine.
From the time I was born, my parents did their best to teach me the right way to live. I was raised under the sound of the Gospel and heard the story of Jesus, but I only listened with my ears and not with my heart. As a child, I decided that someday I would leave that Christian home, go my own way, and do the things I wanted to do.
However, in 1931, my mother and I came to the Apostolic Faith camp meeting in Portland, Oregon. The Lord began to speak to my heart, and for the first time, I experienced real Holy Ghost conviction for my sins. If I ever expected to find happiness, I realized it would only be in serving Him. At the end of a service, I made my way down to the altar of prayer. In the sawdust and straw, I knelt and asked God to be merciful to me a sinner, to take the sin out of my life, and to save me. I am glad we are never too old or too young. In simple childlike faith I believed, and the Lord made a real change in my life. He put love and peace in my heart where there had been turmoil and strife.
My grandmother was there when I was saved. She said to me, “Keep praying.” I did, and the Lord sanctified me! I felt so clean inside and out. The following Sunday night the Lord baptized me with the Holy Ghost. Through everything that has happened in my life since then, the Lord has been near and has helped me.
Going to school that fall, I was tempted not to pray over my food because of what someone might say. However, I did pray, and that was a victory. When the other girls talked about the worldly places they went, I could just walk away, because the Lord had taken the desire for those things out of my life. In my teen years, I took piano lessons and, in time, played the piano for church services.
After I was out of school, I began working for one of the people from the church. When that employer moved away, I started my first job where I worked among people who were not Christians. I was amazed at the language I heard! Those who cursed the worst worked at a different table than I did, and I thanked the Lord that the woman I worked with most directly was very nice. Then after about two weeks, the boss asked me to move to the table where those whose language was so bad worked. My heart sank! I wondered, Could I handle that? I went home and prayed until I knew that the Lord would be with me, and He worked it out for me to be at the opposite end of the table. The Lord is good, and He pays attention to each detail.
When I was twenty years old, I became acquainted with Don Dibble. He was a wonderful Christian man, and we were married in 1943. He had a good business, and after we had been married a couple of years, we had a daughter. In 1952 we moved to Portland, and Don worked at the Apostolic Faith printing plant. He was very happy doing that. I started to play the organ at church, and we had a wonderful life serving the Lord with all our hearts. Then Don’s health started to fail, but we were young—he was forty-six years old and I was thirty-seven—and we trusted the Lord to heal him. However, as time went by, he grew worse.
One day he came home a very sick man, and a week later the Lord took him to Heaven. Because he seemed too young to die, it was hard for me to accept. To be widowed at only thirty-seven years of age—I thought God must have made a mistake. It was the darkest time in my life. I was left without money and with a very limited education. How could I support a fourteen-year-old daughter and clothe and feed both of us? My life was in a shambles, and it seemed there was no way out.
At that point, I could have lost my sanity. Instead, I reached out to the Lord. He took my hand and helped me back to my feet. Soon I had a job offer which made it possible for me to earn a living. I proved that God never makes mistakes, and He is the answer to every problem. The best friend I have is Jesus.
Just over a year after my husband died, my daughter and I were involved in a terrible car accident. It was only the mercy of God that we were not killed. My daughter was hurt so badly the doctors did not expect her to live through the night. Twice her heart stopped and they started it again. Her facial bones were crushed, her jaw broken in two places, her leg and pelvis crushed, and she had numerous other injuries. The doctor said all he could do was put her in a body cast that extended down one leg and over the foot, and then let it heal. She spent six months in bed. Then she used crutches for a while, but in the end, God caused her body to heal so perfectly that she did not even have a limp. We had many people praying for us, and God hears the fervent prayers of the righteous. All the glory goes to God.
Not too long after that accident, I met John Staley. He had been invited to a camp meeting and liked the service because it made him think of the services held by evangelist Billy Sunday that his mother had taken him to as a child. He kept attending the church, even though he did not completely understand everything. I was working in a restaurant that he frequented, and I started talking to him about the Lord. One night after a service, someone asked him to pray. He did, and the Lord saved him. He got right into the Gospel and received his sanctification and was baptized with the Holy Ghost. In 1962, we were married, and our lives were built around the Gospel.
My daughter was married to a Christian man in 1966, and they had two beautiful children we loved very much. Then on March 8, 1978, my daughter was with a group from the church who visited nursing homes to sing, play instruments, and testify. She had just resigned from her job so she would be free to do this. The sun was shining and there were beautiful white clouds in the sky. She looked up at them and remarked, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Lord would come and take us up through those clouds today?”
The Lord had plans for that day. In about three hours, she and her two children started driving from Dallas, Oregon, to Portland for a Friday night service at the church. The road went up a steep hill. At the top, she met a car on her side of the road, and there was no chance for her to swerve out of the way. My daughter and her two children went to be with the Lord.
John and I were in Florida at the time, and while we flew toward Oregon, tears flowed down my cheeks. As I looked up to the heavens, the Scripture came to me, “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). What a comfort to know that God was still in control. He wiped away the tears, the heaviness, and the grief. God’s ways are the best ways even when we don’t understand them.
About five years ago, John passed away. We had been married for thirty-three years. Now I live alone, but I am not lonely or afraid, for God is only a prayer away. He has never failed me.
The Lord has been my Healer. Some time back, I awoke in the morning with such a sore and swollen throat that I could hardly swallow. As I started my morning worship, I told the Lord how I needed His healing touch. I laid my whole situation out before Him. After praying for some time, I got up and sat in my chair, still asking for His help. I knew He could heal me if I would furnish the faith, so I quoted some promises: “For I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26), and, “With his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). God heard me. At that moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and it startled me. I looked up expecting to see Jesus standing there. Although I could not actually see Him, I knew I’d had a visit from the Lord, and I was healed. What a wonderful Friend the Lord has been to me, and I thank Him.