world report

A Lighthouse for Souls in Headingley, Manitoba

Headingley, Manitoba
October 1, 2024

From the Superintendent's DESK

Tolu and I were thrilled to be in Canada September 20-22 for a weekend of special meetings surrounding the dedication of our church in Headingley, Manitoba. The work there started in Winnipeg when three families began worshiping together in 2010, led by Samson Jimaza who is now the pastor. In November of 2020, God provided the means for purchasing land, and construction of a church began in May of 2023. The building was completed on May 31 of this year and the congregation is delighted to have a permanent place of worship. Our hope and prayer is that it will become a lighthouse for souls and a refuge of salvation. The following report was written by several who also attended the dedication activities.

To God be all the glory for the much-anticipated dedication weekend of the newly completed Apostolic Faith Church in Headingley. We have prayed and looked forward to this weekend that is now finally here. Our hearts are bursting with joy and thanksgiving to God Almighty!

Friday Evening Service

The weekend of special activities began with a revival service on Friday, September 20. The prelude featured a clarinet solo titled “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” Then Brother Samson welcomed everyone, including online guests. After that, a youth choir with representation from across North America provided a rendition of “One Day When We All Get to Heaven.” The congregation lifted their voices with such songs as “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” and Howard Canning, the pastor at Fort McMurray, Alberta, offered the opening prayer.

The testimony session opened with the song “Oh, Happy Day!” Several expressed joy for salvation as well as seeing the new building completed. Among these, one man said his family came to Canada in 2022 not knowing where to worship, but they were embraced in Christian fellowship by the Winnipeg group.

Preceding the sermon, Sharon Oladunni sang “It Matters to the Master.” Then Chris Hewlett, the Canada District Superintendent, preached on “The House of Prayer and Worship,” taking his text from Psalm 95:1-8. His exhortation centered on reverencing the house of God for the purpose it is meant for—worship of the Lord, our Creator. He stressed the need for God’s presence to dwell in the sanctuary, and more importantly, in the hearts of consecrated individuals. The altars were open as we sang “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” and Tobi Shobukola, the pastor at Toronto, Ontario, closed in prayer. The gathering was a blessed time in God’s presence.

Saturday Sing-spiration

God’s goodness and Psalm 95:1-3 were the inspiration for a Saturday evening concert. The Psalm declares in part, “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God.”

The program began with the saints lifting their voices in praise by singing “Give Thanks.” Mary Fasola, the group leader in Calgary, Alberta, led in prayer and then we greeted one another while singing “Smile Awhile.”

The concert continued with different congregations offering music selections. Brethren from Toronto sang “Marvelous” and the choir from Edmonton, Alberta, sang “He Will Hold Me Fast.” There were solos also; Sam Osibanjo of Fredericton, New Brunswick, sang “We Thank Thee” and Yomi Akinbo of Calgary sang “My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me.” In addition to the Canada offerings, various choirs from the United States joined to sing “God’s Wonderful People.” Also, pianist Marilyn Lere-Adams of Pullman, Washington, accompanied Josiah Lere-Adams as he sang “There Is Something about that Name.” The last presentation was given by Newfoundland brethren and was titled “I Came Here Expecting.” The music was truly wonderful, and it thrilled and lifted our souls.

Following the music, a slideshow featured photos of the construction work. Then we sang one final song, “Do You Love this Family of God?” before being led in prayer by Kirby Hewlett of Englee, Newfoundland. The evening concluded with a sumptuous dinner in the new activity center.

Sunday Dedication

Nearly 370 people came together on Sunday, September 22, to celebrate the completion of the Headingley church with a dedication service. A spirit of joy filled the sanctuary as the orchestra played “We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise” and the choir followed with “Great and Marvelous.” The youth choir sang “Revelation 19” and then the congregation had opportunity to lift their voices in praise, beginning with “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” led by Pelumi Enejoh.

Following the opening prayer by Akin Ajayi of Ibadan, Nigeria, Brother Samson read greetings and congratulations from around the world. Then, in appreciation for our freedom of worship, the choir sang “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “Oh Canada.”

Brother Chris gave remarks, acknowledging those who helped with the building project whether by their labors, offerings, or prayers. He also praised God for providing the means to reach this milestone. He said, “This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Let us desire that the everlasting God of Heaven be exalted and present as worshipers gather in this sanctuary from Sunday to Sunday to honor, worship, and glorify Him.”

The service continued with a beautiful “Hear My Song, Lord” by a ladies’ choir and the Scripture reading from 2 Chronicles 7:1-3. Then the choir sang “Bless this House” before Olusola Adesope, the Superintendent General, brought the Word. Reading from 2 Chronicles 7:15-16, he spoke on “The Function and Purpose of the House of God.” He reminded everyone that a church is not an ordinary building but one set apart for God’s purposes and glory. He said, “We dedicate this house as a place of forgiveness, prayer, and refuge. May it be a lighthouse where the standard of God’s Word is upheld, and may it also be a soul-saving station.”

Following the message, brother Chris gave the dedicatory prayer, after which the congregation sang “My Faith Looks Up to Thee.” Then the benediction was given by Marjorie Reid, who is the pastor at Langley. The service concluded with a wonderful time of prayer around the altars. As individuals reconsecrated their lives to God, a sweet Spirit was present to bless and uplift.

Closing Service

The Sunday evening service started with a string quartet playing “’Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus.” Then the choir sang an assuring “God Says You’re Gonna Make it.” The testimonies were preceded by the congregational song “Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It” and many did just that. Among the testimonies, Edwin and Marjorie Reid of Langley each proclaimed joy over God’s saving and keeping power.

Before the message, Josiah and Marilyn Lere-Adams sang "Redeeming Love.” Then Brother Sola preached on “We Would See Jesus” from John 12:20-21. He highlighted the need to prioritize the things of God and keep them first. He said worldly people look for everything but Jesus, when what they need is nothing but Jesus! He encouraged all to settle for nothing less. In closing, the congregation sang “Jesus Is Calling” and Foluso Oladunni, the Edmonton Group Leader, offered the closing prayer. The Spirit of God was surely present with us as many lingered at the altars praying.

Our prayer for the Headingley congregation is that their light will continue to shine, pointing the way to Heaven for lost souls, and this new place of worship will be filled for God’s glory.

occasion / dates
Headingley Church Dedication
September 20-22