From the Superintendent's DESK
The 2022 South Korea camp meeting began on Thursday, August 4, at the headquarters church in Seoul. Bill McKibben, Director of Asia Work, and his wife, Lori, arrived in advance and were warmly welcomed by Kim Jeong Min, Korean District Superintendent, and his wife Lee Jin Young.
In preparation for this camp meeting, the first since 2019, several evening prayer meetings were held. During this time, the weather outside was warm, humid, and rainy. Meanwhile, inside there was a spirit of anticipation that the rain of the Holy Spirit would fall as well.
The opening service was attended by saints from six Korean branch churches who were happy to greet one another after nearly three years apart. The service began with a vocal ensemble from our Seoul church followed by a hymn arrangement by the orchestra. During the announcements, a greeting sent from the Portland headquarters church by Superintendent General Darrel Lee was read. There was also a special greeting from Rich and Karen Barrett—the youngest son and daughter-in-law of founding Korean missionaries Harold and Sally Barrett. In addition, the McKibbens were given a warm introduction and welcome.
Several testimonies were shared before Seo Ok Suh from Agyang brought the evening message from Colossians, chapter 1. He noted that everyone is called to give God thanks for all He has done for them no matter the challenges or circumstances they may face. He concluded with the Aaronic blessing from Numbers 26, reminding the congregation that the Lord wants to bless them, keep them, and make His face to shine upon them in these meetings. A sweet altar service followed.
The first Bible Teaching was given the following morning by Brother Bill with the title “What Does the Lord Require?” His test was from Micah 6:1-8 and he said the Gospel was more than just going through the motions of church—singing and praying, but rather it was a transformation of the heart because of what Christ did on Calvary. Jesus is God’s answer to the world’s problems. He brings a perfect balance of satisfying God’s just nature by His death on the Cross for the sins of humanity and the offering of mercy, forgiveness, and new life because of His resurrection. Earlier in the service there were several sweet and victorious testimonies telling of God’s deliverance, healing, and keeping power.
The afternoon schedule included a ministers’ meeting as well as some music practices in anticipation of the evening service. Spirits continue to be encouraged and challenged by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit’s wooing in the services. We pray many blessings will be the result as these meetings continue through Sunday, August 7.