From the Superintendent's DESK
The 2024 Philippines winter camp meeting began on Friday, December 27, at the headquarters church in Bagong Sikat in Central Luzon, the largest island of the Philippines. It was attended by over five hundred and included evangelistic services, Bible teachings, a minister meeting, and a youth quiz bowl. In addition, at the close of the weekend event, twelve candidates chose to follow the Lord in water baptism. Bill McKibben, Director of East Asia Work, and his wife, Lori, arrived a few hours before the first service and were met by Roque Fiegalan, Philippine District Superintendent, along with his wife, Lea, and their daughter, Ily. The McKibbens sent the following report of the camp meeting activities.
The first service began with the orchestra playing “People Need the Lord,” followed by the choir singing “I Saw the Light.” Brother Roque welcomed saints from over twenty of our Philippine congregations to the camp. Then Sheryl Marcha led the congregational singing before Josefino Aban, the La Union pastor, offered the opening prayer.
Many testimonies were shared of God’s goodness and faithfulness during the past year. Then Noimie Fernando sang “I Speak the Name of Jesus” before Wenifred Lucero, pastor at Raniag, brought the opening message. With a text from Titus, chapter 2, he exhorted the saints that God’s wonderful grace has appeared to all. It calls us to a deep responsibility to respond with repentance, pursue holiness, and then live lives empowered by the Holy Spirit. After the closing prayer many went to the altars to pray, and there was great fellowship among those who had gathered.
Saturday’s schedule included three Bible teachings surrounding the theme verse, which was 1 Peter 4:7, “But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.” Each of the teaching services began with music provided by various branch churches, including orchestra and choir numbers as well as recordings of children’s specials. The first teaching was given by Carlo de Guzman of our Cavite church on “In the Days of Noah and Lot.” His message centered on how the evil of this present world indicates the soon return of the Lord. The second teaching, given by Richard Cruz, the Cavite pastor, was entitled “Technology in the Last Days.” He explored the exponentially increasing knowledge and technology that will usher in the Great Tribulation and terrible consequences for those who miss the Rapture of the Church. The final teaching was given by Danila Paragas from our Balloc church on “Israel, God’s Timepiece.” Sister Danila shared the history of God’s chosen people and how the reestablishment of the Jewish homeland in our day is indicative of the fulfillment of God’s redemptive timetable. The messages stirred hearts and earnest prayer followed.
On Sunday, students from Bagong Sikat opened Sunday school with a reenactment of the Christmas story. Then everyone dispersed to classes by age group to study God’s Word. Following this, the sanctuary filled to overflowing as over five hundred gathered for the morning worship service. It began with the orchestra playing “No Other Name,” followed by the choir singing “Holy Forever.” Then the congregation sang and was led in prayer.
After welcoming remarks, Imelda Lucero, a pastor at Ambatali, read the Scripture reading from 1 Peter 4:1-8 and then Ily and Dew Fiegalan sang “Press On” before the morning message. The exhortation from God’s Word encouraged all to remember three things. First, suffering has purpose when one is serving the Lord. Second, Christ’s followers are called to live differently than the world, as reflections of Him. Lastly, like every generation before, God’s people must prepare their hearts for the Lord’s return with calm assurance and prayer. At the close, many gathered around the altars, and the Holy Spirit was outpoured on the seekers.
In the afternoon, following a group lunch, many young saints gathered for a Bible quiz in the sanctuary while the pastors and ministers had a meeting. Later, the evening service began with the orchestra playing “Two Hymns for Christmas” and the choir singing “Hear the Call of the Kingdom.” After congregational singing and prayer, there were testimonies from many churches and then a solo by Marlon Julio of “Your Grace Still Amazes Me.” The sermon was given by Brother Roque, who took his text from Hebrews and encouraged the saints not to forsake gathering with one another. He said someone who begins to serve the Lord must turn away from some things, but fellowship with God and His people must never be forsaken. Another good altar service followed with many seeking the Lord.
The last day of the camp meeting was Monday, December 30, and in the morning a water baptismal service was held for twelve candidates. Chris Mendoza, the Bulacan pastor, brought the encouraging message on the importance of following Jesus in this ordinance and in all His teachings. He said new life in Christ is reflective of the life of Christ.
Following the baptismal service, there was a closing program during which many prizes were given to those who participated in the Bible quiz, as well as to the oldest and youngest campers in attendance. The congregation sang many choruses and were given some last words of encouragement before being dismissed with a closing prayer. Then all gathered for group photos before departing for their respective homes.
What a wonderful way to close out 2024 and begin the new year! The McKibbens will continue their work in the Philippines over the next week with visits to several churches, including anniversary celebrations in two locations. Please pray for them and the Lord’s work in the Philippines.