world report

Day of Thanksgiving Honors God in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo
February 1, 2025

From the Superintendent's DESK

Tim DeBusk, Director of Eastern Caribbean Work, and his wife, Lisa, recently returned from a visit to our saints in the Dominican Republic. During the trip, six pastors were ordained, the annual Day of Thanksgiving celebration was held among our churches, and the DeBusks attended services at five branch locations. They sent the following report of the trip.

We are thankful for the privilege we had to visit the saints in the Dominican Republic. At every location, the Spirit of God was felt so sweetly in the services. Beautiful music was provided by soloists and choirs. The congregational singing was wonderful as many sang with such enthusiasm. We especially enjoyed hearing “Onward Christian Soldiers” as one grand congregational choir.

Deivys Pichardo, the District Superintendent for the Dominican Republic, accompanied us throughout the trip and encouraged all who could speak English to do so while testifying. We heard such inspiring testimonies as many told how they received salvation, sanctification, healing, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. One testimony in English was given by Jefry Gilfillary at our Los Altos de San Pedro church, which was dedicated in September. He said he was raised in a Christian home and became active in the church music, though he knew he wasn’t saved. The Lord spoke to his heart about this, and he prayed and was wonderfully saved. Now, he has been involved in helping with church music for many years.

Other portions of the services were interpreted by Jose Rosario, who traveled with us and did a great job. At each location, the sermons inspired and were followed by a blessed time of prayer around the altars.

On Tuesday, January 21, congregants from throughout our work in the Dominican Republic gathered in Santo Domingo to celebrate “Día de Acción de Gracias.” This is a national thanksgiving holiday, which our churches observe annually by coming together to give thanks to God. A large gymnasium was rented for the occasion and was soon filled by nearly eight hundred attendees—some having traveled many miles to be there.

The event included several music specials provided by choirs from various locations. One highlight was a large children’s choir. They were wearing red capes and sang with all their hearts. At the close of the service following the sermon, an invitation to pray was given, and many knelt in prayer. What a privilege it was to gather with the saints and honor God in this way with praise and thanksgiving!

On Saturday, January 25, a pastors’ meeting was held in La Romana at the headquarters church with about forty in attendance. During the meeting, five ministers and one pastor were ordained. There was good fellowship throughout the meeting and at the lunch served afterward.

The last service of our trip was on Sunday morning, January 26, at the Nagua church, pastored by Noemi King. We arrived early enough to enjoy Sunday school and observed that it was attended by many students of all ages. During general assembly, the children sang and recited their memory verses. We also enjoyed a morning devotional service followed by a good time of prayer and fellowship.

The DeBusks, who returned home a few days ago, closed their report with: “It is so exciting to see the work of the Lord prospering in the Dominican Republic. We truly had a blessed time.” We too are excited about what the Lord is doing in the Dominican Republic. As we pray for the saints there, let’s especially remember the new pastors and their families, that God will encourage, guide, and bless them.

occasion / dates
Portland headquarters visit
January 19-26, 2025