world report

Inspired and Blessed by Southern Africa Camp Meeting

December 11, 2022

From the Superintendent's DESK

John and Rodica Musgrave, Debbie, and I have concluded our visit to the Southern Africa regional camp meeting in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and are on our way home. The second part of our attendance there was marked by the continuance of great music specials, testimonies of victory and blessings received, inspired messages, and earnest altar services after each meeting.


The Thursday morning teaching was given by Brother John on the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit.” Taking his opening text from Acts 1:4-5 and 8, he spoke on how to receive the baptism and why it is necessary for effective service of God. Using the analogy of a rental property, he said it would not make sense to leave it vacant. In the same way, we want to receive all that God’s plan provides for us and use it for His glory.

On Friday, Boniface Banda, the Eastern Africa District Superintendent, gave the teaching on the “Divine Call of God: It’s Purpose and Plan.” He used the call of Abraham from Genesis 12:1-3 to illustrate how we should respond when the Lord calls us, first to salvation, and then to a life of service. He concluded his message with a portion of the testimony of Robinson Sanana. In 1971, he responded to the Gospel call and moved from Zimbabwe to Zambia, forfeiting his pension, to be a missionary. Brother Boniface declared that it is up to this generation to remember the price that was paid for the Gospel we now enjoy. 

Evening Services

Wednesday through Friday evenings, we were inspired by messages on “The Power of God’s Word,” “Open the Roof,” and “Our Hope in Christ.” We were also inspired by the enthusiasm of the saints to share their testimonies. In each service, a limit of five was placed on the number who could testify. However, so many were eager to tell what God had done for them that more than five consistently lined up at the microphone. Many accounts were given of healings and answers to serious problems. One sister testified of how God had restored her marriage after being separated for twenty-two years. Others told how God had made a way for them to attend the camp meeting.

Sunday Services

On Sunday morning, the attendance swelled for the middle weekend of the camp meeting due to school students being released for the Christmas holiday. The sermon was based on Matthew 24:43-44 and emphasized the importance of being ready for the Lord’s return. The congregation was admonished to prepare for this event while there is time, because it will occur suddenly without notice. In the evening, the message was taken from John 7:38-39 and centered on the camp theme of “Living Water.” Each service was followed by a tremendous response to the invitation to pray.

We are leaving the Southern Africa regional camp meeting inspired and blessed, thankful the Lord made it possible for us to attend the first week. We trust that God has saved the best for last and many more prayers will be answered during the second and final week. 

occasion / dates
2022 Southern Africa Camp Meeting
December 4-18, 2022