world report

Salvation and Groundbreaking Highlight Pakistan Visit

March 11, 2025

From the Superintendent's DESK

More than two dozen received salvation in Pakistan during a series of meetings held the first week of March. The meetings were conducted by Felix Panganayi, the Country Director of Pakistan Work. He arrived in Faisalabad on Friday evening, February 28, and was greeted at the airport by a delegation from the Toba Tek Singh church. These included the pastor, Shabeeb Nadeem (who pioneered the work in Pakistan), his brother, Zaigham, their uncle, and several brethren. The following is from Brother Felix’s reporting on his time in Pakistan.

Our first service was held at a local facility in downtown Faisalabad. The small auditorium was packed with over two hundred attendees. Following a time of praise and worship, several shared their testimonies. One individual testified to being saved in college after a life of mischief. A mother shared how her child was miraculously healed after accidentally ingesting acid. After the doctors had declared survival impossible, Jesus completely restored the child’s health.

The sermon was titled “The Gospel, the Power of God.” Taken from Romans 1:16, with references from Genesis 1-3, it focused on the restoration of man after the fall. It also emphasized that salvation comes only through the Name of Jesus (Acts 4:12). The message concluded with an altar call, and many fell to their knees in prayer. During this time, nine individuals surrendered their lives to Christ and five others received the baptism of the Holy Ghost!

On Sunday, the service was held at the headquarters church in Toba Tek Singh. This branch operates within the Nadeem home, where the living room has been converted into a sanctuary, and there were 156 in attendance. The service began with instrumental music followed by lively congregational singing. Then Brother Paloos led the opening prayer.

During the testimony session, a woman shared how her daughter suffered a heart attack while her brother lay critically ill, but both were miraculously healed by the Lord. Another sister testified that God answered her prayer for a house. A young mother shared that she had long prayed for her children’s salvation, and her prayers had been answered. A man testified that he suffered paralysis on his son’s wedding day, but the Lord healed him completely.

For the message, I spoke on “The Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Christ,” drawing texts from Matthew 24:21–24, 36; Acts 1:9–11; John 14:2–3; and 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17. Emphasizing the necessity of salvation (John 3:3) in preparation for Christ’s return, I pointed out that all conditions for His coming have been fulfilled. Highlighting the impending Tribulation, I encouraged the congregation to remain faithful in service to receive their heavenly rewards. The service concluded with an altar call and good prayer service. In addition, many went forward to be prayed over for divine healing. It was later reported that of those who attended, four received salvation, two were sanctified, one was filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and eight were healed.

Following the Sunday morning service, a workers’ meeting was conducted. The group studied 1 Corinthians 4:2, where Paul emphasized the importance of faithfulness in service to the Lord. They discussed some key attributes of faithful workers, such as commitment, integrity, humility, and accountability. The workers were reminded that their labour in the Lord is not in vain, and rewards await them, both in this life and in eternity (1 Corinthians 15:58).

On Monday, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for a headquarters sanctuary and office. It began with prayer and the breaking of the ground with a shovel, and it closed with the reading of Haggai 1:8. The site is conveniently located between Christian towns in Faisalabad and near several Apostolic Faith families. The narrow strip of land, measuring an eighth of an acre, was purchased last May in conjunction with another one-acre plot. The larger parcel has potential to generate income while serving as a campground. Meanwhile, completing a perimeter wall and office block on the smaller parcel is the next necessary step in registering the Apostolic Faith work with the Pakistan government.

In the afternoon, an evangelistic meeting was held at a brick kiln. Families working in the facility gathered in a believer’s home, and there were 124 in attendance. The service began with congregational singing and an opening prayer. For the message, Brother Shabeeb spoke on having a “Divine Appointment,” based on Mark 10:46-52. He likened Bartimaeus’ faith to the need for everyone to seek God for salvation, healing, and divine intervention. When the altar call was given, many prayed, and eleven received salvation. In addition, numerous individuals were prayed over and six received healing.

On Tuesday morning, I was given a warm welcome from students at a small school operated by the Nadeem family. The school, which recently gained official registration with the Ministry of Education, has an enrolment of thirty-nine children, ages three through seven.

In the evening, a final service was held in the village of Dullam. The congregation enthusiastically participated in the singing and worship. During the testimonies, a woman expressed gratitude for God’s faithfulness in securing her son’s college admission. Another mother shared how the Lord answered her prayers regarding her son’s high school placement. An elderly woman testified that she had struggled with night vision but experienced healing.

Brother Shabeeb delivered the message from John 15:13 on “Friendship with Jesus.” He noted that people’s lives are shaped by the company they keep—good friends lead to blessings while bad influences bring trouble. Meanwhile, true friendship with Jesus transforms lives, bringing grace, purpose, and eternal hope. Brother Shabeeb also shared his personal testimony of how Jesus lifted his burdens and changed his life. He encouraged the congregation to seek Christ, align their lives with His will, and embrace His love. The service concluded with an altar call, and all attendees knelt in prayer. In addition, several went forward for the laying on of hands in prayer for healing. Later reports indicated that three individuals were saved and seven received healing.

After returning to Zimbabwe, Brother Felix wrote, “My visit to Pakistan was a spiritually enriching experience. The services were filled with fervent worship, powerful testimonies, and a strong manifestation of God’s power to save and to heal. The faith and dedication of the brethren in Pakistan were truly inspiring.”

It is wonderful what God is doing in Pakistan! As we pray for this ministry, let’s also remember a new campaign begun by the Pakistani saints in January. Their goal is to distribute three thousand Bibles by the end of 2025. The first distribution took place in Noor Pura, Faisalabad. The saints gave out both audio and print Bibles in the Urdu language. One woman who received a Bible shared joyfully, “I always had a wish to purchase an audio Bible, but my pocket never allowed me. I always prayed to God for this, and today, the Lord answered my prayer through you.’’

occasion / dates
Visit by Director of Pakistan Work
March 1-4, 2025