Bible Doctrine Part 2

Heritage for Teachers

TEXT: Matthew 19:1-9, Mark 10:6-12, Romans 7:1-3, Genesis 2:18, 22-24


These Bible doctrines were established in Scripture, and upheld in the preaching and publications of the Azusa Street ministry.


  • What is marriage?
  • Explain what Jesus meant by the phrase, ‘let not man put asunder.”
  • What are the biblical responsibilities placed upon the husband? The wife?
  • How does the biblical assignment of authority and responsibility promote order and understanding?
  • To what other relationships does Christ liken marriage? List at least five similarities.
  • How can a couple be assured that their marriage will be blessed of the Lord?
  • Using 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 as a reference, what responsibility does a Christian have to maintain a marriage if the spouse is not a Christian?
  • What is meant by the commandment that a person is to leave their father and mother when they marry? Ephesians 5:31
  • Mark 10:7 indicates that a man is to cleave to his wife. What does the word cleave mean?
  • As the sinless Son of God, Jesus did not have to be baptized. Why do you think He insisted that John baptize him?
  • What does Jesus’ example teach us?
  • What does Philip’s baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch teach us about the Biblical mode of baptism?
  • Can a person make Heaven without being baptized? Give a Scriptural example to support your answer.
  • According to Romans 6:3-4, what does water baptism symbolize?
  • What do the bread and grape juice represent?
  • Why do you think Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper?
  • What is meant by the word “unworthily” in 1 Corinthians 11:27?
  • What makes a person worthy?
  • How do we discern between accusations of the enemy concerning our worthiness, or the convicting hand of God?
  • How does a person “examine himself” prior to partaking of the Lord’s Supper? 1 Corinthians 11:28
  • What does it mean to “discern” the Lord’s body? 1 Corinthians 11:29
  • What godly character attributes was Christ modeling when He washed His disciples’ feet? Why is this attribute so important in a Christian’s life?
  • Why do you think Christ instituted this practice among His followers?
  • Was Christ’s directive regarding footwashing a suggestion or a command?
  • Why do you think so few organizations still practice this clear command of Jesus?
  • What is the result of obeying this ordinance?


“One Woman, One Man…” from Higher Way 97-4

Tract #95 – Water Baptism


Divide the class into four groups. Assign each group one of this week’s doctrines. Have them look up supporting Scriptures and then tell the rest of the class about the doctrines, using Scriptures to back up their points.

Object lesson on marriage: Show students a simple clothespin. Explain that if we only have one side of the clothespin it does not perform its full function. However, with the two sides of the clothespin being bonded together by the Lord, the clothespin will work as it should. The metal piece in the middle holding them together is what is important! By working together with the Lord it is amazing what can be accomplished.

Ask a long-time married couple in your congregation to come and talk the last 10-15 minutes of class. Have them tell their “secrets of success.”

Make a list about point regarding marriage (or include the other doctrines from this week’s text) and have them connect the Scriptures.

Marriage is for life 1 Peter 3:7

One man and one woman Romans 7:2

If husband treats wife improperly, his prayer are hindered. Ephesians 5:22

Wife is to submit to husband. Mark 10:6-7

Take your group on a “field trip” to your church’s baptistery and explain how a baptismal service takes place.
