Key Word: Partner
Life Application:
Focusing on the role of unity in revival.
Report from the Azusa Revival, January 1907
The Lord did great things in 1906. Pentecost first fell in Los Angeles on April 9. Since then, the good tidings have spread in two hemispheres. Many are rejoicing in pardon, purity, and the pow-er of the Holy Ghost. Wherever the work goes, souls are saved, and not only saved from hell but through and through, and prepared to meet the Lord at His coming. Hundreds have been baptized with the Holy Ghost. Many of them are now out in the field, and some in foreign lands, and God is working with them, granting signs and wonders to follow the preaching of the full Gospel.
It is a continual upper room tarrying at Azusa Street. It is like a continual camp meeting or convention. All classes and nationalities meet on a common level. One who came for the first time said, “The thing that impressed me most was the humility The building on Azusa Street of the people, and I went to my room and got down where the Power fell in 1906. on my knees and asked God to give me humility.”
The altars are filled with seekers. Sometimes the meetings go on all night. People are slain under the power of God and sanctified, or rise up speaking in new tongues. In the meetings, you see the holy joy of the Lord in the countenances, and people are melted in the presence of the Lord, filled with His praises.
There is a sweet spirit of unity among Pentecostal missions in Los Angeles and workers in suburban towns. Every Monday morning, the missioners and workers from these different points meet together for prayer. All are in one accord.
We must give God all the glory in this work. We must keep very humble at His feet. He recognizes no flesh, no color, no names. We must not glory in Azusa Mission, nor in anything but the Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto us and we unto the world.
We stand as assemblies and missions all in perfect harmony. Azusa Mission stands for the unity of God’s people everywhere. God is uniting His people, baptizing them by one Spirit into one body. – From “The Apostolic Faith” paper Vol. 1 No. 5
Definition of the word unity
“The state of being one; oneness.” Unity does not mean that each individual has the same personal tastes, perspectives, and preferences, but rather that all are working toward the same goals and are willing to be flexible in methods to reach those goals. No one is seeking to put himself forward, but rather, each one is dedicated to seeing the mutual goals advanced.
Questions to think about
- Why is unity necessary for revival?
- What are actions that destroy unity? that build it?
- What are the results of unity within the church?
O for a passionate passion for souls,
O for a pity that yearns!
O for the love that loves unto death,
O for the fire that burns!
O for the pure prayer-power that prevails,
That pours itself out for the lost–
Victorious prayer in the Conqueror’s Name,
O for a PENTECOST! – Amy Wilson Carmichael
Psalm 133:1 says “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Can you remember a particular time when a prayer service was so sweet and a sense of unity and love was felt by those present? Share that memory with someone.