Grant Hill

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

Thank God for His love and mercy that followed me through a long life of sin! I spent years of my life straying from the love of God. I had been brought up in a good Christian home and knew of God’s love, but I turned it aside and went into a life of sin. I thought I could handle the situation—the things I wanted to do, I would do; the things I didn’t want to do, I would not do. So I left that home when I was about fourteen years of age and went out and sowed my wild oats. I seemingly lost all respect for God. I had what the world calls a good time, trying to satisfy my soul with what there was to offer.

In a very short time I saw that I was serving the wrong master. My life was soon bound and shackled by drink, cigarettes, and other sins. Twenty-six years ago, I came into this tabernacle with my back against the wall, sick and afflicted in body. I didn’t have hope as far as this world was concerned. God had permitted an affliction to come upon my body, which caused me to realize that with just one mistake of the surgeon’s knife I would wake up in a devil’s Hell. I had a bus transfer in my pocket that day; I was supposed to go to the hospital for an operation for appendicitis the next morning, but God had been talking to my heart. I told Him that if He would only give me strength to go to the Apostolic Faith Church, I would give Him my life.

I came with that one purpose. Thank God, as I knelt at the altar and prayed one honest prayer, He had mercy on me. I told God that if He would take the sin, misery, and defeat out of my life and set me free with health in my body, I would serve Him my entire life. Thank God, He forgave my sins and rolled that burden off my heart. The sinful habits and appetites that had dominated my life for so many years were gone, for the Lord had set me free. He gave me peace and satisfaction in my heart.

After God saved my soul, I asked these ministers to pray for my healing, and the Lord healed me instantly. A couple of days later I went back to work, and worked eight hours a day. I have had health and strength from that time to this. Thank God for the old-time religion that has kept me down through these many years. Under all circumstances, through trial, sorrow, and afflictions, God has been my never-failing Friend.