Lula Caton

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I am glad to be able to report victory, and that I am a real Christian. I thank God that almost forty-nine years ago the Gospel came my way.

I was just a young girl living in Merrill, Oregon when my mother was invited to an Apostolic Faith meeting in Klamath Falls. I am glad she went. That night I was very unhappy. I didn't have a Christian home and knew nothing about being saved or being a Christian.

The Lord talked to my heart that night, and I gave my heart to the Lord that night; I told Him if He would make me happy, I would serve Him.

The Lord has been good to me these many years. The Lord has also been real to me. I could never count the many blessings He has poured out upon me; He has done so much for me.