Mable Dibble

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I am glad that the Lord has a people who are faithful in carrying the Gospel into the highways and byways. I thank Him with all my heart that He sent the Gospel my way.

We lived near Sequim, Washington, about twenty miles from Port Angeles, and we heard that the Apostolic Faith people from Portland and Port Angeles were going to hold revival services in the little Indian village of Jamestown, not far from where we lived. My friend and I decided to go.

There I heard men and women tell of victory over sin: how the Lord had taken sin out of their lives and had given them power to live above sin. That was the very thing I needed. I was so ignorant of salvation that I didn’t know what it meant. I didn’t even know that one could be saved. I had a profession of religion, but I didn’t know what it was to live above sin. I was told that no one lived above sin, but that we sinned in thought, word, and deed constantly. I didn’t know how to pray, but I wanted to be right with God.

I didn’t know how to pray, but I wanted to be right with God.

As I listened to some of the testimonies, God talked to my heart. One afternoon in my own home I repented with godly sorrow, and the Lord saved my soul, and a great change came into my life. He took the very desire for the worldly pleasures out and put peace and joy in my heart. He put something in my heart that has lasted for many years.

My people were living in Alberta, Canada, and I began writing about the marvelous changed that had come into my life. One day, as I was writing, I dropped to my knees and told the Lord I was willing to give up everything if He would use me for His glory. That morning the Lord sanctified me—a second definite work of grace.

I had sought the pleasures of the world, the shows, and dances, but they didn’t satisfy. I never really enjoyed those things because the Lord would talk to my heart, and I wanted to be right with Him.

That morning the Lord sanctified me—a second definite work of grace.

My husband saw the change in my life: I had quit card playing and attending Sunday ball games, and I prayed over my food. About two months after I was saved, I persuaded him to attend a camp meeting in Portland, Oregon. We had both been reared in infidelity but the Lord also saved him one night in our tent on the campground. He was awakened from sleep and saw a banner with the words, “Be ye reconciled to God,” and realized his lost condition, and cried out to the Lord to save him. We had only three days to attend the camp meeting, but on the last Sunday, the last day of camp meeting, the Lord baptized me with His Holy Spirit.

It was in 1922 that we were saved, and many years ago my husband passed away with real victory. I have weathered many storms, but I have never seen the time I wanted to turn back to the old life.

The Lord gave me the privilege to help in the church office mailing department in my younger days. I am now ninety-two years of age, and have much for which to praise the Lord.