Stella Cochran

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

How I praise the Lord that He ever called me to be a Christian. He called me when I was just a child but I lived under conviction for years because I didn’t have anyone to tell me that I could get down and pray my way through to an experience that I would know about—something that would keep me every day. I thank the Lord that He kept that conviction on me and kept me from many things.

One day many years ago an Apostolic Faith paper was brought to my door. It was good news to my hungry heart. I praise God for that hunger He kept in my soul. I read the testimonies of people who really knew they were saved. It put such a hope in my soul, something in my heart that wanted to see the people who published that paper. I thank Him that He opened the way and made it possible for me to be here in Portland. I praise Him for the day I fell to my knees and called upon Him for mercy. He put such joy, such peace, such happiness in my soul—something that I knew about. I didn’t have to guess about it, but it was real, and it is still real today.

He sanctified my soul—the most wonderful experience I had ever received.

God healed my body. When I received that paper I wasn’t even able to do my housework, but God healed me. He just spoke out of Heaven and said, “If you will leave that medicine alone that you have in your kitchen cabinet that you are taking three times a day, I will heal you.” I asked, “What will I tell my husband when he comes home?” That was the first thing he would ask me, if I had taken my medicine all day as I should. I did not know what to tell him. But the Lord was good to me that night; for the first time, my husband didn’t ask me. By the next night I was doing my own work; I thank God for the health and strength and for the privilege that He has given me in the Gospel.

He sanctified my soul—the most wonderful experience I had ever received. And then He gave me the mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire—power to live it every day, power to tell it, power to trust Him when you are sick, power to trust Him with your family

I thank Him for what it means to me to be here and know that I am saved and under the Blood.