Robert Remley

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I can look back a “short” sixty years ago to when I was serving in the Navy aboard a battleship in the Pacific Fleet. I was proud of that ship and tried to uphold the honor of the flag she flew. But I was a vile sinner—a very profane man.

When I was discharged in 1924, I came to Portland, Oregon, and heard the old-time Gospel. A group of Apostolic Faith workers were gathered at the corner of Sixth and Washington praising God. I stood and listened to the open-air meeting, and when it was over, they invited me to church. I was a stranger in the city and did not know anyone else, so I followed them to my first Apostolic Faith meeting. I heard the Gospel preached that night, but did not accept it, because I was not yet ready to give my heart to the Lord.

I went to work in a lumber camp out in the Pacific Coast mountain ranges. There I had some close calls with death, and when I returned to Portland four weeks later, I was ready to seek the Lord. While in the camp, I had promised Him that if He would allow me to live to see Portland again, I would go to the Apostolic Faith Church and pray. I kept that promise. My first night in town, I gave my heart to the Lord, and He saved my soul.

Later, God sanctified me and filled me with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I found it a privilege to live for Jesus and witness for Him.

We have a miracle-working God, and I have seen marvelous answers to prayer including miracles of healing in my home. I have three children: two girls and a boy. When my son was four years old, he contracted meningitis and reached the point of death. The doctor held out no hope for him. For three weeks he lay twisted out of shape. My wife and I fully consecrated him to God, and the Lord healed him. He is a healthy man to this day.

When my older daughter was twelve, her vision narrowed to a pinpoint, and we learned that she had a brain tumor. The doctor said she would be blind in six months, and gone in a year. God had other plans, though. Camp meeting was in session and we were staying on the campground. One day she went to children’s church and gave her heart to the Lord. He saved her, sanctified her, baptized her with the Holy Ghost, and healed her of the tumor. When she came back to our tent, she picked up her Bible and began to read it. Where before she could only see letters a minimum of two inches high while wearing glasses, she was now reading small print without aid. No sign of the tumor ever returned, and she has lived to see her grandchildren grown.

For twenty-two years I enjoyed the Gospel, but then I grew careless. I neglected to read the Bible and pray. Then it became more of a chore than a pleasure to go to the altar of prayer. I started praying in the pews, and then a little further back in the sanctuary. There was not much of an outward change, because it took place so gradually. Eventually, I let the love of the Lord slip out of my heart, and I turned my back on the best Friend I ever had. Oh, the misery, sorrow, and heartache that overtook me as I wandered, lost and undone, through twelve years without God!

Finally, I reached my extremity and called on God. He healed me completely, leaving no trace of the disease.

I became ashamed to go near God’s people. Sometimes when I was downtown, I would see them holding a street meeting and cross to the other side of the street. God would speak to my heart and say, “That is where you once were. Where are you today?” God also talked to my heart at home, and I saw myself facing a lost eternity.

Then tragedy struck. I got word that my brother in Pennsylvania was dying of cancer, without God. I needed to point him to the Savior before it was too late, but I was powerless. I was also a lost soul. I was stricken with condemnation, and conviction seized me. I knew there was no help but from God. I could not turn anywhere else, but would He hear my prayer? Then I realized He was calling me, a backslider, in love and mercy. That invitation meant so much to me. While standing at my kitchen sink, I prayed, “Oh God, have mercy on me, and I will serve You!” That day I proved that God’s arms of love were still stretched out to me. He came down and set me free. The peace and joy I had once known again flooded my soul. Tears of repentance turned to tears of gratitude and thanksgiving. God gave me victory over all the old habits that had me bound. There was no more fear of death. I had made my peace with God and knew that my name was written in Heaven. God had grafted the withered branch back into the Vine, and I began to draw spiritual life once more. How wonderful it was! I thought: Now I can go tell my brother the Story of God’s love.

I am glad I got there in time. I prayed with him and then asked, “Do you believe in your heart that the Lord has saved you?” He answered, “Yes, I know it.” A few days later, it was so sweet to hear him say, “I am going Home!”

There have been a few trials since then, but I lean on these comforting words: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). A few years ago, I became afflicted with chronic hepatitis. At one time my complexion became very yellow because of that terrible liver ailment. There is no medical cure, but I tried a special diet and other remedies. Nothing worked. Finally, I reached my extremity and called on God. He healed me completely, leaving no trace of the disease. That was beyond the power of man. How I thank God for His compassion for me!

Just this past year, God performed another miracle. My brother who lives in California fell from a ladder and suffered brain damage. He lay unconscious in the hospital for seven days, and the doctors gave up on him. Before I left to visit him, I put in a prayer request asking our congregation to pray for him, and God answered. He was completely healed. In addition, he started a whole new life. He was seventy-three years old and had never married, and he married his nurse.

More recently, I can thank God for those who were faithful in prayer for my daughter, a backslider. She had surgery and was found to be full of cancer. The doctors did not hold out any hope, but there was hope in God. She is better and is rejoicing in that the Lord again saved her soul and made her happy. He also sanctified her and gave her the baptism of the Holy Ghost. She said, “I am coming back to the faith of my childhood.” Oh, what rejoicing!

I thank God for the privilege of prayer. I love the fellowship I feel around the altars as the saints pray together. There is so much to pray for! I want to be faithful in that labor of love for my Master. I know all who pray earnestly and have faith in God will receive answers to their prayers. Truly, I rejoice in this great salvation!