Evangelism is a thread that has run through the history of the Apostolic Faith work since its beginning. Florence Crawford came to the city of Portland with a strong sense of purpose, and a deep determination to spread the Pentecostal message by any method and in every direction open to her. In spite of challenges to her theology and her leadership, she continued to stay focused on her call.

Gospel workers had a determination to spread the Pentecostal message, and branch churches sprang up around the United States as a result of their efforts.
The flame that had been kindled on Azusa Street was a fire that could not be extinguished. People in the Portland congregation were excited about what God was doing in their midst. Those who had been filled with the Holy Ghost testified about it. Those accounts continued to be transcribed and relayed through the Apostolic Faith paper, along with reports of evangelistic efforts being made in various areas.

The paper’s reports attracted those who read them, whetting the spiritual appetites of people worldwide. People sought God as they had never done before. Hundreds were convicted and came to Christ, and a widespread movement was launched to reach out to lost and hurting people around the country and the world.