About the same time that Cato Bush was beginning to preach in Alabama, God called Hugh C. White. By 1927, Reverend White was holding cottage meetings and having services under big oak trees. He was a poor man. During his travels he often could not afford to buy lunch, so he would pick wild blackberries, pray over them, eat them, and keep on traveling and preaching the Gospel. By 1934, he had traveled through Florence and Kingstree, South Carolina, and had seen a good response to the preaching of the Gospel. On one of his trips to Kingstree, he conducted services in a schoolhouse, where a number of people were saved. In 1937, he acquired a lot for a church in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, and a building was constructed. Although he pastored the Rocky Mount church, Reverend White continued to travel. He established a church in Florence, South Carolina, and appointed a pastor. It was in Florence that those under his leadership eventually met to have their annual “General Assembly” gatherings.