Marvelous Works at Sierra Leone Special Meetings

May 21, 2024

Marvelous Works at Sierra Leone Special Meetings

From May 2-5, special meetings were held at our only church in Sierra Leona, which is located at the heart of the country in the city of Bo. The meetings coincided with a visit by West and Central Africa (WECA) District Superintendent Isaac Adigun and his wife, Stella. This was the first visit from WECA headquarters since the work there began in 2013, and the congregation was thrilled. A large group of smiling saints gathered to receive them, including sixteen delegates from Liberia who came to help with the meetings. The Sunday school children also sang songs and one young girl presented a bouquet of bright flowers. Upon their arrival, Country Leader James Ayodele said, “Our joy knows no bounds.” He and his wife, Cecilia, initially were sent to Sierra Leone in 2013 as missionaries from Nigeria to encourage the budding work there. They have remained and been fostering the work since then.

The special meetings began immediately and were held outdoors to accommodate a number of guests and also to evangelize the surrounding neighborhood. The first service was attended by ninety and began with an orchestra prelude of “A New Name in Glory.” A music special mirrored the feeling in the atmosphere with the chorus “I Just Feel like Something Good Is about to Happen.” James Miller, the Country Leader for Liberia, led the opening prayer, and for the sermon, Reverend Adigun spoke on the theme of the special meetings: “I Will Do Marvels.” He encouraged everyone to look to God in faith for all their needs. Following this message, prayers went up to Heaven as many cried out to God for salvation.

The next day, the service began with a choir number followed by a flute duet. A touching vocal duet of “Do You Know?” was offered by two sisters—one from Sierra Leone and the other from Liberia. Among the testimonies, Reverend Miller told how God brought him into the Gospel and also rescued his family at sea in a miraculous way. He later preached about many in the Bible who sought God’s blessings and received them, and afterward, many in attendance did the same.

At the Saturday service, over one hundred were in attendance. In addition, neighbors and passers-by were listening. During the sermon, they were encouraged to see God do marvels in their own lives. Then on Sunday, the morning service opened with a brass ensemble. One music special encouraged faith with “He Will Do It Again” and another visibly moved the audience with “Sweet Holy Spirit.” The message was taken from Exodus 15:10, which was read in the Krio language to highlight the word patapata, which means “all.” The message was titled “God of Patapata.” The congregants were assured that God is able to meet every need and challenge in their lives.

That evening, a concert was held featuring musicians and choristers from Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. For the last item, a brass and flute ensemble accompanied the choir singing in the Krio language, a lively “Tel Am Tenki,” or “Tell Him Thank You.” The concert concluded with a brief exhortation and prayer, and everyone rejoiced as several prayed through to salvation, including a woman visitor.

Throughout the four days, the reported blessings included three who were saved, one sanctified, two baptized with the Holy Spirit, and seven healed. More than one backslider was overheard saying, “There is no other place like the old time Gospel.”   

In addition to the meetings, Reverend Adigan and Reverend Ayodele participated in a one-hour live radio interview, and sessions were held for Sunday school teachers and Gospel workers, as well as a meeting of leaders from Liberia and Sierra Leone. 

We thank God for the marvels He did during these special meetings and pray He will continue to bless the work in Sierra Leone.

apostolic faith magazine