world report

Australia: New Group in Townsville, Renewed Hearts in Melbourne

Townsville and Melbourne
October 20, 2024

From the Superintendent's DESK

Following the Australia camp meeting, Sam Ajayi, Director of Australia Work, and his wife, Shade, traveled to Townsville in Queensland to launch a new Apostolic Faith group. Two services were held there, on October 8-9, with brethren from across Australia joining online to lend support. Then, the Ajayis went to Melbourne, Victoria, for a weekend of revival meetings, October 11-13.

This first report features the Townsville services and was written by the new group leader, Mabasa Mapfumo, who with his wife, Tee (Thathumusa), and their children will anchor the group.

The Tuesday service began with special music rendered by our Melbourne choir. Then the congregation was led by Lekan Olagookun of Melbourne, in singing such inspiring songs as “Tell Me the Story of Jesus.”

Following the opening prayer, Brother Sam welcomed everyone and gave a brief reminder of our church history and mission. He said the Apostolic Faith Church is a product of the great Azusa Street Revival. Also, that we still uphold the Gospel doctrines and standards taught and practiced by Christ, the Early Church, and the Azusa believers. He pointed out that the Apostolic Faith is not focused on material things but on spiritual matters—preaching the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whosoever will, so that souls can be saved and made ready for Heaven.

During the testimony service, two testified to the power of God to save, sanctify, and baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. The sermon was preceded by a heartwarming vocal duet. Then Brother Sam brought the message from Luke 19:1-10, the account of Zaccheaus. He highlighted God’s power to instantly transform a sinner, providing the ability to straighten out a crooked past and to go and sin no more. The message was reiterated by the strong presence of the Holy Spirit, and afterward congregants fervently sought God around the altars or prayer.

Wednesday’s service began with a beautiful vocal duet from Melbourne and other inspiring songs by various groups. The congregational singing was led by Earnest Akerejola, the Australia leader and Sydney pastor. After the opening prayer, it was announced that God had miraculously provided a regular place of worship at the Mount Louisa, Townsville, venue. Then, a photo was taken of the Townsville group with other Australian brethren, who were joining online, in the background.

For the testimonies, two sisters thanked God for salvation, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. One of them also praised God for his amazing grace to save even little children and give them victory throughout the remainder of their lives.

The sermon was preceded by a moving vocal solo of “Ye Must Be Born Again.” Then the message, titled “The Receipt of Salvation,” was taken from John 3:1-10, which illustrates the encounter of Nicodemus with Jesus. The text coincided with the solo in a powerful way, and the presence of the Lord hovered over the room. Afterward, God blessed His people at the altars of prayer as they sought His face while searching their hearts.

This was a wonderful start in Townsville, and we glorify God for it. We also pray that the Lord will save many through His efforts established here.

This second report tells of the Melbourne weekend of revival meetings and was written by Frank Igweonu, the group leader in Melbourne.

The opening evening of the Melbourne weekend of revival meetings on Friday, October 11, began with a prelude by the choir. This was followed by warm greetings to those present, including many from Sydney, and others who were joining online. Then joyous congregational singing set the tone for a weekend of blessings.

When it was time for testimonies, three people thanked God for saving their souls and giving them other Christian experiences. A song special titled “Seeking the Lost” followed. Then the sermon on “A Terrible Savings” was brought by Brother Sam with text from Proverbs 28:13. He used the concept of saving money for a rainy day to drive home the point that no one should save their sins for the day of judgment. He stressed that while it is good to save or invest money and earn interest, it will be terrible to reap the rewards of saved up sins. He urged the congregation to “liquidate” their sins by confessing and forsaking them. The meeting closed with a time of fervent prayer at the altars.

On Saturday, the message was taken from Luke 17:12-19, the account of the ten lepers, and was titled “Check Your Result.” The congregation was enjoined to check the results of their prayer lives and adjust their approach to God as needed, and a good prayer meeting followed.

Sunday morning started with a Sunday school lesson on “The First Leader” taught by Emmanuel Tshuma of Sydney. Afterward, the devotional service opened with a prelude of instrumentation and songs by the choir. For the message on “Walk Circumspectly,” Brother Sam took his text from Ephesians 5:13-18. He said the Lord walks beside new converts, holding their hands to lead them. However, as Christians mature in the faith, they should be able to follow in the Lord’s footsteps. The service closed with a time of fervent prayer and tarrying at the altars.

The weekend revival meetings concluded with a Sunday evening service. After the choir prelude and congregational singing and prayer, two gave victorious and inspiring testimonies. Then the choir sang “Why Not Tonight?” to usher in the message from Genesis 33:1-5 on “God’s Protection.” In the sermon, it was noted how God protected Jacob from his brother and his father-in-law, and that God brings peace to the lives of those whose ways please Him. The meeting was crowned with seekers pouring out their hearts to God. There was much joy and renewal in the church.

At the close of the report, Brother Sam added, “Shade and I are very grateful to God for the privilege to partake in the camp meeting and revival meetings. We pray the Lord will continue to energize His work in Australia. We are thankful for all those who prayed.”

occasion / dates
Launching of Townsville Group, Melbourne Special Meetings
October 8-9; October 11-14