world report

Declaring the Glory of God in Australia

October 14, 2024

From the Superintendent's DESK

The 2024 Australia camp meeting began on Sunday, September 29, with a theme of “Declare the Glory of God,” and was a blessing to all who attended. The meetings were led by Sam Ajayi, Director of Australia Work, who was in Sydney with his wife, Shade. He sent this report, written by various attendees.


The opening day was well attended by brethren from Australia and the United States, and still others joined online. The day began with a Sunday school lesson on “The First Skyscraper,” led by Michael Chiutare, the group leader in Perth. Then the morning devotional service was a time of spiritual refreshment from the Lord. The camp theme was brought out in the orchestra’s “Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken” and the choir’s “Thine Be the Glory.” The congregation also sang heartily to the glory of God.

For the message, Brother Sam preached from Psalm 19:1-6. Expounding on the awesome power of God, beautifully portrayed through the solar system, he said God’s magnificent handiwork should persuade anyone of His glory. He also noted that as the sun is at the center of the solar system providing continual light, Jesus needs to be the Light at the center of our lives. The concluding prayer was offered by Ernest Akerejola, the Australia leader and Sydney pastor, and then a great outpouring of prayers was a beautiful start to the camp meeting.

In the evening, the choir song invited everyone to “Come to the Feast” and the male choir encouraged with “I Am Bound for the Promised Land.” The congregation sang with fervor from newly compiled hymnals, and then testimonies were given. One brother thanked God for His continual mercies and goodness, and the blessing of this camp meeting.

Before the message, the choir sang “O Why Not Tonight?” Then Brother Ernest preached from Numbers 10:29-30 on the consequences of making bad choices. He urged all to choose a better way than Hobab, who decided to return to his people rather than go with Moses to the Promised Land. At the conclusion, everyone went to their knees in prayer, seeking God’s will.


On Monday evening, before the preaching of the Word, a quartet reminded all “There Is Honey in the Rock for You.” Then Clement Ogugua of Melbourne took his text from 1 Samuel 30:1-6, which tells of the wives and children of King David’s men being taken captive. Brother Clement spoke of the need for God’s children to pursue, overtake, and, when necessary, recover all that God has for them. He said this is done through prayer, and a glorious prayer session followed as seekers presented their needs to God.


On Tuesday morning, a piano prelude was followed by the choir singing “Is Thy Heart Right with God?” During the testimonies, one sister said that God honored her resolve to serve Him with or without children by giving her children and a grandchild. For the last special, a duet sang “Ye Must Be Born Again.” Then Frank Igweonu, the group leader in Melbourne, gave the teaching on “The Three Foundational Christian Experiences.” Opening with 1 Peter 2:1-7, he emphasized the necessity of salvation, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The service concluded with a good time of prayer around the altars.

In the evening, a spirit of prayer accompanied the service. One of the choir songs was “Faith Is the Victory” and the testimonies provided evidence of this. One sister praised God for renewing her Christian experiences during this camp meeting. A brother testified that God has kept him when others predicted that he would turn back. For the message, Lekan Olagookun of Melbourne preached from John 11:39-40, the raising of Lazarus from the dead. He said our lives should show the glory of God. At the altars afterward, children could be heard praying for salvation while adults renewed their walks with the Lord.


The Wednesday teaching began with a clarinet trio playing “I Will Tell the Wondrous Story.” The choir sang two songs, including “Never Give Up.” During the testimonies, one brother thanked God for using these meetings to renew his Christian experiences. For the message, Brother Ernest spoke on “Consecration,” taking his opening text from Jeremiah 29:13. He defined consecration, explained when it is needed, and gave examples of people who have benefited from it. Afterward, the Spirit of God moved the congregation to prayer, and everyone felt a touch from the Lord. 

The Spirit of God was felt strongly in the evening service, which began with a flute solo of “I Know Whom I have Believed.” The testimonies came from those who had arrived late to the camp meeting. One man said he was saved as a child, and the joy that filled his heart was real. It overwhelmed him and has kept him to this day. Before the message, a mixed quartet sang “Christ Receiveth Sinful Men.” Then Emmanuel Tshuma of Sydney based his sermon on Exodus 3:1-4 and implored the congregation to “turn aside,” as Moses did, and meet God. A good altar service followed.


On Thursday morning, the music and testimonies inspired faith. A male choir sang “I’ve Pitched My Tent in Beulah” and a brother testified of being healed of headaches after forty years. The last special of “Close to Thee” by a vocal duet was appropriate for the teaching by Brother Sam on “A Life that Glorifies God.” He opened with Revelation 4:11, stating that God created all things for His pleasure and glory. He admonished the congregation to glorify God in every area of their lives, including when interacting with unbelievers, inside and outside of church, and evangelistically. The altar service that followed was a continuation of the fervent prayer already experienced during the camp meeting.

In the evening service, the testimonies highlighted camp meeting blessings. One sister thanked God for using the teaching on consecration to build her faith. A brother thanked God for helping him seek his Christian experiences, rededicate his life for God’s service, and stand against opposition. Brother Clement delivered the message from Psalm 119:37, which says in part, “Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity.” He said this is a suitable prayer for both sinners and Christians. It will help one consecrate his or her life to God by turning away from sin and wasteful pursuits. At the close, the altars of prayer flooded as many sought a closer walk with the Lord.


The final teaching was taken from Zechariah 5:1-4 where God pronounced judgment on thieves and liars. It brought out that God’s people do not rob God of tithes, rob their spouses by being distant, or rob congregations by self-centered teaching and preaching. An intense time of consecration-driven prayer followed.

A youth service was held in the afternoon. Before the message, the song special asked, “Does Jesus Care?” Then Brother Lekan took his text from Galatians 6:7-8 and preached on the importance of not covering up sin. The young people took the message to heart and a wonderful prayer service followed.

A great revival service in the evening revealed the extent to which God is willing to pour out His blessings on those who will look to Him. As Brother Sam was giving the announcements and praising God for what He had already done and would continue to do, His Spirit came down in a mighty way. Tears flowed as everyone spontaneously went to their knees, praising and thanking God for the glorious blessings of the camp meeting. After a time, the meeting continued with a message from Zechariah 4:1-8 on the Lord’s promise to remove spiritual mountains. We give glory to God for a wonderful evening.


The next evening, the ordinances of The Lord’s Supper and Foot Washing were observed. Brother Frank brought the first message and Brother Ernest brought the second. The service was solemn and reflective, resulting in a grand time of fellowship. At the close, Thathumusa Mabasa from Queensland taught everyone a melodious rendition of “How the Fire Fell” with a Southern Africa flavor.


The concluding service was a time of thankfulness and continued expectation. The orchestra played “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” and before the message, the choir sang “Christ Returneth.” The sermon was taken from 1 Corinthians 14:40 on “Decency and Order within the Church.” King Solomon’s reign was used as an example of order in the secular military, workforce, and academia. It was noted that if order can take place in a secular setting, it should be even easier in God’s house. The message was well received, and upon the conclusion, the congregation went immediately to the altars.

Brother Sam added to the report, “We are so very thankful to God for giving us a very rich and blessing-packed camp meeting. We are in awe of His grace towards us.” We too are in awe of God’s grace and join in thanking Him for the blessings of this camp meeting.

occasion / dates
2024 Australia Camp Meeting
September 29 to October 6, 2024