From the Superintendent's DESK
Our team in Romania (Harlan Lee and Wayne Butler, later joined by Toyin Emitola) has sent a thrilling report of how God is working in that country. This past week, they witnessed newer groups being established in the faith and heard inspiring testimonies of salvation and healing.
On Monday, February 10, they visited a group in Gavanesti for the first time. Located about fifteen miles from Craiova, this group was initially contacted by Mara Negrila, who leads our work in the southern region of Romania. The team was welcomed with enthusiasm by sixteen who had gathered in a nice house of worship built by Aurel and Tanta Malacu.
Brother Wayne shared his testimony along with Matthew 4:18-20, which gives the account of Peter and Andrew being called as fishers of men. Brother Harlan told the story of the little maid who witnessed to Naaman’s wife and likened it to the way his family came into the Gospel.
There was a good response from the congregation. Brother Harlan said everyone went to the altars afterward and many tears were shed in earnest. Before leaving, the team anointed and prayed for several in need of healing.
On Tuesday morning, they went to Mihaita and looked at a possible building location to accommodate several who travel to Craiova for services. A couple named Sandu and Jeni have committed to evangelizing the area, and many in the town already desire a place to worship.
In the evening, the team enjoyed a meeting with fourteen others in the home of a woman who received salvation during a previous visit thirteen years ago. During this service, her husband testified with tears in his eyes that he is saved and wants to be water baptized. Another testimony came from a woman who said that a few days ago, she was in great pain and unable to walk very far. However, on Sunday, she was anointed and prayed for, and the Lord healed her. She was able to walk a great distance to attend the meeting.
On Wednesday evening, a church service was held in Radovan, where a newer group was established after God healed Marian Anitoaia, who is now the pastor. In 2020, he was a new convert who had been bedridden for two years. Our missionaries prayed for him, and after they left, God raised him up! He has been evangelizing ever since. Thirty people filled the room that he has added onto his home and dedicated as a house of prayer. After congregational singing and testimonies, two exhortations were shared from God’s Word. Then the congregation went to prayer and the Lord visited in a special way.
The team toured a building project in Capu Dealului on Thursday morning. The group here purchased land in 2018 and are now building a church. The interior is nearly finished, including the restrooms. Work on the exterior will resume in the spring when the weather improves.
The meeting was led by Gheorghe Macovei and interpreted by Ted Bora, who are the Eastern and Western District Superintendents respectively. The congregation, pastored by Nicu Comanescu, sang with enthusiasm and then Brother Harlan shared greetings from the Portland headquarters. Brother Toyin and Brother Wayne each shared a message from God’s Word, and the service ended with a good time of prayer. Before leaving, the team prayed for Brother Nicu’s wife, Helen, who is scheduled to visit the doctor next week for a diagnosis. In addition, they assured her of our prayers.
A service was held on Friday at our Margaritesti church where Aurel Cruceru is the pastor. There were many in attendance including six from Craiova and two from Gavanesti. Again, Brother Harlan brought greetings from Portland before Brother Toyin and Brother Wayne gave exhortations from God’s Word. At the close, one young man went forward seeking to be saved and prayed earnestly.
The Sunday services included a three-hour morning meeting at our eastern headquarters church in Bucharest and an evening meeting in Butiamanu. This is another recently established group. They have a nice one-room building with our sign on the front. The team brought them encouragement from God’s Word and especially enjoyed the music and fellowship.
The missionaries are now headed home. We thank God for the continued work in Romania. Let’s remember to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ there.