world report

Romania Saints Responsive and Prayerful as Trip Continues

February 11, 2025

From the Superintendent's DESK

Our team in Romania—Harlan Lee, Director of Romania Work, and Wayne Butler, pastor at Port Angeles, Washington—has been joined by Toyin Emitola, the pastor at Manchester, England. This past week, as they continued visiting our congregations in Romania, they had the privilege of dedicating three babies. In addition, they anointed and prayed over many saints in need of healing.

On Wednesday, February 5, they were in Bucharest, where the headquarters church is located for the eastern region of our work. They enjoyed a prayer meeting that evening and church services on Thursday and Friday. The services were led by Gheorghe Macovei, the pastor and Eastern Region District Superintendent, who has been traveling with them. One of the attendees was Ben Clapa, formerly of the Portland congregation. Brother Harlan commented after Friday’s service that the young people were very engaged and responsive to the messages. In addition, several congregants went forward at the altar call, and a great time of prayer followed.

On Saturday, the team drove to Craiova in the southern region of our work. They were pleased to find that an upstairs apartment had been added to the church, affording them a nice place to stay for the week. In the evening, they enjoyed good fellowship with the pastor and Southern Region District Superintendent, Mara Nigrila, and his wife, Claudia, who hosted them for a barbeque meal.

The Sunday morning service was held at the Motatei Sat church, where Mitita Udrea is the pastor. A young person’s group treated everyone to several vocal songs. Then Brother Mitita’s wife, Maria, sang about giving glory and honor to God for providing everything good. Brother Harlan gave an exhortation from the Book of Amos on using a plumbline to measure every decision by God’s Word. Brother Wayne closed the service with a message from Hebrews 11:1-3 and then there was a time of prayer.

Following the service, the team prayed for Brother Mitita’s daughter, who was badly injured after falling eighteen feet into an abandoned well. Brother Harlan assured her that the churches in America would pray also. 

The evening service was held in Craiova. There was such a good turnout that Brother Harlan said he couldn’t recall ever seeing the church so full. Brother Wayne preached from Nehemiah, encouraging the saints to keep building their spiritual lives despite opposition. A second message was taken from Zechariah 10:1 and encouraged all in attendance to ask the Lord for rain in this time of the Latter Rain. There was a good response to God’s Spirit, which was evidenced by the entire congregation going to prayer.  

Following the service, three babies were dedicated, and then twenty or more lined up to be anointed and prayed over for healing. Also, the saints were invited to help pray over two hundred handkerchiefs to be left in Romania for the healing of the sick.

Our team expects to conclude their trip to Romania later this week. At every location, they have assured the saints that we are praying for them. Let’s be faithful to remember them in our prayers.

occasion / dates
Portland headquarters visit to eastern and southern regions
January 30 to February 18, 2025