world report

Music and Messages Encourage at UK Camp Meeting

Newtown, Wales
July 28, 2022

From the Superintendent's DESK

As the camp meeting in the United Kingdom continues, another report of the services, activities, and God’s blessings has come in.

Monday, July 25

The first Bible teaching kicked off promptly at 10 a.m. and was led by the Northwest and Midlands choir who were alert and ready to offer their sacrifices. The excitement in the atmosphere was palpable as the saints of God poured into the church to pray before the meeting. The service started with a beautiful rendition from the orchestra titled “Be Still My Soul.” This was followed by sweet melodious singing from the choir with a song titled “Great and Mighty God.”

During the service, praises were rendered unto God in the form of testimonies from brethren who had come from all over the world. They bore witness to God's wondrous power to heal, save, protect, and provide.  The message was delivered by Mark Mfandarahwa and titled “Revive Us Again.” He took his text from Joel 2:13-18 and urged everyone to turn to God while there is opportunity. He said God is merciful and ready to accept those who do so.

After the service, attendees enjoyed a special lunch including baked potatoes and an assortment of side dishes such as tuna and coleslaw. For dessert, there were sugar sprinkled doughnuts. Then everyone dispersed for a restful afternoon.

By 7:45 in the evening, the auditorium was brimming once again with saints as they prepared their hearts for the blessings in store. The service started with a beautiful violin and cello duet which surely inspired the listening hearts. The choir gave a special presentation titled “Oh Happy Day” and then the youth choir sang, proclaiming the power of God's love. The testimony service was carried by French speaking brethren. For the message, Godwin Jimmy spoke on “Jacob at Jabbok” with text from Genesis 32:21-28. He encouraged all listeners to return to their Bethel and be revived and renewed by God. During the prayer meeting that followed, it became evident that God was moving among the saints and would continue to do so.

Tuesday, July 26

The day began with an early morning prayer meeting. The saints gathered at 5:30 to read prayer requests, sing choruses, and commune in Christ.

The Bible teaching began with a violin and cello duet followed by a choir presentation, which brought an atmosphere of joy and gladness. The music continued with a solo of “Revival Is Here.” The testimonies provided great encouragement, and it was clear that the power of Christ was working through the congregation. The sermon was taken from 1 Peter 5:5-6 and given by Ola Balogun on “Humility.” It served as a remainder of the importance of humility and striving for it.

During the lunch period, much chatter and laughter filled the air. Then the congregation gathered again for a children’s service. Several presentations from children ranging in age from one to seventeen were offered. These included a violin solo, choir songs, and a skit about revival. Everyone was up on their feet and in good spirits during the choruses. During the testimonies, the children thanked God for such blessings as family, friends, and healings. A short Bible lesson followed by Marble Mfandarahwa. She told the children of God's love and taught that such ordinances as communion and the washing of feet are for everyone who is saved. At the close, the children were encouraged to pray, and many did.

The evening service started with a beautiful clarinet trio followed by a song from the choir. Then the congregation joined voices, inviting the Holy Spirit into the church. The first special by the choir of “God Can Do Anything” laid the foundation for the testimonies. These were full of praises for blessings and miracles received of God. An amazing vocal solo preceded the message given by Delight Nyoni. Taking his text from Psalm 46, he highlighted God’s ability to do all things.

Wednesday, July 27

The morning was left open for resting and sightseeing. In the afternoon, first-time campers were treated to a reception filled with fellowship, songs, activities, and food.

In the evening, the revival service was a time of encouragement for many. A brass quartet opened with lively renditions, including “Testimony, Power, and Praise.” Then the choir sang “O, the Glory Did Roll” and this set the tone for the rest of the service. Hearts were lifted toward Heaven during the congregational singing, and many were blessed by the youth choir singing “It Is Truly Wonderful What the Lord has Done.”

The sermon was given by Tunbosun Oyedokun who took his text from John 11:38-44 and spoke on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. He said Jesus can bring hope to the most hopeless of situations and encouraged everyone to take life’s challenges to the Lord.
occasion / dates
UK Camp Meeting
July 24-31, 2022