world report

Rejoicing in God’s Goodness at the Western Europe Camp Meeting

Newtown, Wales
July 30, 2024

From the Superintendent's DESK

My family and I had a wonderful time at the Western Europe camp meeting, which concluded on Sunday, July 28. God’s presence was felt throughout, and many victories were won. Following are some highlights from the services, written by various attendees.

Bible teachings. In the mornings, we appreciated the opportunity to strengthen our knowledge of God’s Word through studies on several topics. On Monday, Ola Balogun, who is pastor at Peckham church in London, England, spoke on “The Second Coming of Christ.” Using John 14:1-3 and other key verses, he emphasized the need for believers to live with the end in view, noting that the Lord’s return will be sudden. “Repentance and Restitution” was the topic for Tuesday’s teaching. Mark Mfandarahwa, the Western Europe District Superintendent, drew from Proverbs 28:13 and other Scriptures to stress that every sinner needs to repent and be forgiven, whether their sins are small or great. Also, that restitution is a fruit of repentance, for God requires that past wrongs be made right. On Thursday, Toyin Emitola, the pastor at Manchester, England, took his opening text from Matthew 6:9-13, the Lord’s Prayer. He spoke on “Prayer—a Christian’s Lifeline,” saying communication with God is as vital to our spiritual lives as breathing is to our physical lives. He encouraged us to cultivate a habit of prayer. The final teaching of the camp meeting was titled “An Endurance Race to the End.” With opening text from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, we were exhorted to stay the course, mind our own lanes, and reap God’s blessings. All of the teachings were followed by earnest and fervent prayer as many sought to apply God’s Word to their hearts.

Special music. Throughout the week, beautiful music was presented by musicians from our various branch churches, leading us to lift our hearts in praise and worship to God. Among the specials, the Birmingham youth choir sang “Jerusalem,” the Peckham orchestra played an upbeat “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder,” the Midlands choir sang “Praise Ye the Lord,” and a combined choir from Scotland and Ireland sang “Joy in the Camp.” Other specials included an inspiring vocal solo of “Pearly White City,” a moving cello solo of “This Is My Father’s World,” and the song “It Is Through the Blood,” presented by a ladies’ vocal ensemble.

Evangelistic services. The evening messages inspired and encouraged us to make ourselves ready for Heaven through repentance, faith, and action. On Monday evening, Hebrews 4:1 laid the foundation for a message titled “Don’t Come Short of Boarding to Heaven.” Missing the Rapture was likened to missing an airline flight. With a warning against becoming distracted in these last days, we were reminded of our Heavenly reward and encouraged to be diligent. On Tuesday, Mathieu Bobo, the pastor at Paris, France, read Mark 16:2-5 and touted God’s ability to “roll away” all obstacles in our spiritual lives. He closed with a challenge to seek complete victory. The Wednesday message was delivered by Lazarus Simbanegavi, the pastor at Birmingham, England. Taking his text from Genesis 27, he talked of the regret Esau had after giving away his inheritance. He urged all to leave the camp meeting without regrets by seeking God with their whole hearts. On Thursday evening, Akin Fawole of Wharton, New Jersey, used the account of Bartimaeus to emphasize seeking God until an answer is received, regardless of opposition from unbelievers. For Friday’s message, Delight Nyoni of Birmingham drew from Jeremiah 18:1-6 and spoke on “In the Potter’s Hands.” He noted the many blessings God had poured out during the camp meeting and said there were more blessings to come for those who would yield their lives fully to God.

Testimonies. During the week, many stood to their feet with shouts of victory, thanksgiving, and praise. One thanked God for a job promotion, another for help obtaining a PhD. Others praised God for His power to save, heal, and deliver. One gave glory to God for forty-eight years in the Gospel. And in the meeting following a youth prayer service, many young people testified to being sanctified.

Children’s church. Held on Tuesday and Thursday in the afternoon, children’s church was an opportunity for the very young to shine their lights for Jesus. During each session, they participated in choirs by age and eagerly presented songs like “The B.I.B.L.E.,” “Prayer Is the Key,” and “A Million Little Miracles.” Both messages were object lessons and emphasize being ready for Heaven. Afterward, the children were led and supported in prayer, and God greatly blessed. By all accounts, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the services.

Youth service. There was enthusiastic participation from the young people during Friday’s youth service. Among the music specials, the Scotland youth choir uplifted with “I’m Feeling Mighty Fine” and the French youth choir gave an inspiring rendition of “I Just Keep Trusting My Lord.” The congregational singing brought an atmosphere of joy and unity. For the message, Segun Ifesanmi spoke about “God’s Alarm Bells.” Taking his text from Matthew 24, he warned the young people to heed the signs of the end times, which are taking place all around us. He urged each one to prepare their hearts to be ready for Christ’s soon return. The service concluded with many tarrying at the altars, seeking to make their hearts right with God.

Final service. The camp meeting concluded with the Sunday morning devotional service, and the focus was one of thanksgiving. Among the song specials, the choir sang “Grateful Praise,” a trumpeter played “Give Thanks,” and the youth choir performed “I’ve Been Blessed.” There was also an atmosphere of expectation. As the message went forth from Revelation 19:6-9 on being ready to attend the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb,” many responded with heartfelt “Amens.” And when the invitation was given to pray, the altars quickly filled. 

My family and I enjoyed this week of camp meeting, including the welcoming fellowship of the saints, and we left rejoicing in God’s goodness and His blessings outpoured. We are especially thankful for those whose names are newly written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, including the twelve who were water baptized on Saturday.

We are now anticipating the dedication of our church in Aberdeen, Scotland, on Sunday, August 4.

occasion / dates
Western Europe Camp Meeting
July 20-28, 2024