world report

New Convert, New Churches, New Zeal in Romania

February 8, 2022

From the Superintendent's DESK

The team in Romania, John Musgrave, Harlan Lee, and Hunter Cripps, traveled to the northeast part of the country on Saturday to visit our churches around the city of Pascani. They arrived just in time for a ministers’ meeting held at the Bosteni church, which serves as the headquarters for our work in this region. The meeting was well attended with about twenty-five leaders present, including the Bosteni pastor, Vasile Budeanu.

The next day, the team attended Sunday services in three locations. They were in Bosteni for the morning service, at Humulesti in the afternoon, and then at Vanatori Neamt for an evening service.

At Bosteni, they had a good service with beautiful music throughout. For one special, Brother Vasile’s family sang. For another, his daughter, Denisa, sang in English “Wonderful, Merciful Savior” and did a great job. Brother Hunter gave an inspiring testimony and then Brother Harlan preached. Following the service and a time of prayer, a dedication was led by Brother John for two baby girls, Sarah and Sephora. Afterward light refreshments were served and everyone enjoyed the opportunity to fellowship. 

In Humulesti, where Boboc Calus is the pastor, a new church building has been under construction for more than a year, but is nearling completion. Brother John said the builders have done an excellent job. He also said that the heating system has not yet been installed, but propane heaters were brought in and the meeting went well. There were about 150 present, including visitors who were very attentive to all that took place. When the service ended, a water baptism was held for a man who is battling cancer and was recently saved. We thank the Lord for healing his soul, and we pray that his body will be healed also.

The final service of the day was in Vanatori Neamt, where it had snowed the evening before. The church building is new, and Brother John said it has been nicely done. He also said it is heated by a metal upright barrel stove, reminiscent of early visits to Romania by our teams.

About one hundred gathered for the service and the church quickly filled to capacity, making it necessary to use the altar benches for seating. It was a blessed service with congregational singing, testimonies, and two messages. What made it even more so was learning that a brother from this church had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost the day before in Bosteni. This service closed with a good time of prayer around the altars as the others had.  

At each of the three locations, there were many who wanted to be anointed and prayed for after the prayer service. Brother John said it was moving to see that what began as house visits eight years ago is now a growing hunger for the Gospel. Toward the end of the last service, someone remarked that this growth reminds one of the words in Mark 12:37: “And the common people heard him gladly.”

occasion / dates
Sunday services in northern Romania
February 5-6