We Worship by Singing

Primary Pals for Teachers
Unit 03 - How We Worship

TEXT: Psalm 95:1-3


The students will be able to tell when and why we worship God by singing praise and thanks unto Him.


Introduction: Use a tape recording of a Gospel song or a picture of children singing. Ask: Why do you think these children are singing?

Progression of Events:

  1. Singing is one of the ways we can worship God.
  2. God gave us our voices, so we should use them for His glory.
  3. Paul and Silas sang in prison.
  4. David sang in the fields.

Climax: We can sing praises in many places other than church.

Conclusion: It is good and pleasing to God when we praise Him with our voices.

Response: Your students will be able to tell why and when we worship God by singing praise and thanks to Him.


Worship: "Honor, reverence, or homage paid to superior beings or powers." The English word means "worthship," and denotes the worthiness of the individual receiving the special honor.

Music for worship was used during King David's reign, and to him has been ascribed not only the creation and singing of the Psalms, but also the invention of some musical instruments. 2 Chronicles 7:6 mentions "instruments of musick of the Lord, which David the king had made to praise the Lord." David himself mentioned ''four thousand praised the Lord with the instruments which I made . . . to praise therewith" (1 Chronicles 23:5).

In King Solomon's time, for the Temple worship, the choir formed a distinct body, numbering 2,000 singers. Singing played a prominent part in their worship but also it was not uncommon for the individual to compose a song celebrating some special victory or religious experience. An example of this is Moses' song after God's deliverance from Pharaoh, and the song of Deborah and Barak after the defeat of Jabin, King of Canaan.


  • Make a picture collage to illustrate a Bible verse found in the lesson; for example, Psalm 66:4, "All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name." Cut out pictures of children of different nationalities singing, birds, animals, etc. Also use pictures of different buildings, houses, cars, churches, etc. For a special effect, put pictures of your students in the collage. As your students help put this together, discuss how the children, birds, and animals are God's creation and made for the purpose of praising Him. The pictures of the buildings, houses, cars, are to show the children we can be anywhere and still praise God.
  • Make a class bulletin board or mural. Draw a large music staff on paper. Give each child a large music note cut from colored construction paper (see Patterns). Have them write their names up the stem, and then in the center of the note write their favorite song of praise to God. Glue them on the mural, and above the staff write the words, "Let's Sing a Happy Song, Let's Sing About Jesus."
  • Bring a series of pictures showing different places or situations where we can sing. The point should be made that church is not the only place where we express our love to God by song.
  • Research the history of a song with which your children would be familiar. Tell the story during your class time, and then conclude by listening to the song on a tape.
  • Give each child a piece of paper and ask him to draw an illustration for one of his favorite songs of praise.
  • Bring a recording of a Scripture set to music. Have your students look up the Scripture in their Bibles and then sing the song together using their Bibles to learn the words.

Special Unit Instructions:

Through November, when each child is present for Sunday school, give each one a note or staff of music to fill in with his favorite song. These can then be put on the class bulletin board around a heart, a picture of Jesus, or on top of a big fluffy cloud as their songs of praise are being sent to Heaven.


  1. What does worship mean?
  2. Where must we be to worship God?
  3. Name someone in the Bible that sang songs of praise to God.
  4. Name your favorite Sunday school song. Why do you like it?
  5. We don't have to be at church to praise Jesus. Name other places we can be when we praise Him.
  6. Give personal testimonies of people you know who praised and thanked Jesus for helping them in a hard time. (Talk about church testimony meetings, etc.)
  7. Name several ways we can praise Jesus.


  • Make each child a little "songbook" with a cover of construction paper and one page for each day of the coming week inside. Write the day at the top of the page, and have them tell you what song they would like to sing on that day for Jesus. Write it down. On the cover, put "Let's Sing About Jesus" and a sticker of Jesus or children singing. Let them take their songbooks home so Mommy and Daddy can help them sing!
  • Cut out a number of construction-paper fish of different sizes, shapes, and colors (see Patterns). Write the name of a familiar song on each. Put a paper clip on the fish's nose. Put the fish in a bucket or barrel. Make a fishing pole with a magnet attached to the end of the line. Let your students come up and ''fish" for the next song to sing.
  • Draw a simple face of a child, but without a mouth (see Patterns). Let your pre-schoolers draw in the open mouth and tell them this child is singing praises to Jesus. Above the face write the words, "We Love to Sing About Jesus!" Let your children color the picture.


Bring a cassette tape containing a variety of noises. (Some possibilities: water running, kids shouting, vacuum cleaner running, banging on pans, etc.) As you play each sound, ask the children to describe it. Then ask them: "Does that sound like praises to the Lord?" Conclude by playing the sound of children singing something like, "Let's Just Praise the Lord" or "This Is the Day." This one does sound like praises to God! It sounds good, and that's why God loves to hear us worship Him by singing.

Arrange to have a pianist or guitarist who can improvise to assist you in composing a song of praise with your students. Let them suggest words and write them down on a chalkboard or overhead. Let your accompanist hum a melody and fit it to the words. (Or, you may wish to simplify a bit by suggesting a familiar tune and then assisting your students in putting words of praise to that tune.)

Arrange to have several short demonstrations of musical instruments. If you have students in your departments who play, this might be a good opportunity to include them in your review. Bring out that each of these instruments can be played in worship to God. But they cannot play themselves—each one needs a person playing it to make a sound. We all do not have the ability to play an instrument, but we all can make a joyful noise to the Lord with our mouths.

Do you know of any personal testimonies where a song drew someone to the Lord, or brought a real uplift or encouragement in time of need? This could provide the basis for an excellent dramatization.


  • My Church — coloring book, 8 each of 6 pictures, Christian Board of Publication
  • Showing Our Love — Record and songs, 6 songs with resource sheet for each song. Full-color flannelgraph sheets to add interest. Gospel Publishing House
  • Praise the Lord — coloring book. Concordia
  • Praise Him! Praise Him! — Jennie Davis (book), Published by The Dandelion House, Distributed by Scripture Press Publications, Inc.