Jesus Is Born

Primary Pals for Teachers
Unit 04 - The Birth of Jesus

TEXT: Luke 2:1-7


The students will be able to describe the events surrounding the birth of Jesus.


Introduction: Use a baby doll or a live baby to start your lesson, presenting the fact that Jesus was the most special baby ever born.

Progression of Events:

  1. Review last week's lesson reinforcing how the angel announced His coming to Mary and Joseph.
  2. Describe the journey to Bethlehem.
  3. Detail the surroundings and explain why this came about.

Climax: Jesus was born at a time and place appointed by God and detailed by prophecy.

Conclusion: Jesus' birth was humble in origin, but it was the greatest event the world had ever known.

Response: Your students will be able to tell you the story of Jesus' birth.


The birth of Christ had been prophesied many times and very specifically in the Old Testament. They were prophecies of hope to a discouraged and oppressed people.

Jesus was the son of Abraham as prophesied in Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 22:18, and fulfilled in Matthew 1:1. Jesus was the son of David as prophesied in 2 Samuel 7:11-13 and fulfilled in Matthew 1:1. Jesus was born of a virgin as prophesied in Isaiah 7:14 and fulfilled in Luke 1 and 2. He was born in Bethlehem as prophesied in Micah 5:2 and fulfilled in Luke 2:4-7.

After such great prophetic utterances had been given to mighty men as Abraham, the father of nations; David, the mighty ruler; Isaiah, a prophet who stood before kings, the fulfillment of these prophecies came in a very humble way.

One would not expect the person of whom it had been said that He would bless all peoples and establish an everlasting kingdom, to be conceived by a woman who was yet unmarried, to be born in a stable to parents who were overtaxed and oppressed by a foreign ruler, and to have an earthly father who was a poor carpenter from the despised town of Nazareth.

And yet fulfill the prophecies He did! To those who were humble and open to God it was crystal clear. God revealed to old Simeon and Anna that this child was indeed the Christ, the promised Messiah who would save His people and give light to the world.


  • Use a map for a simple sketch to show where Nazareth and Bethlehem are (see Patterns).
  • Have the children do a word search after you have explained where Jesus was born and why. Then, as they find the words, have them tell you how the words fit into the story.
  • Give each child a piece of paper and have him draw Jesus' family, and tell you the story. Then go over the story to make sure they have the important facts.
  • Make a picture of Baby Jesus in a manger, gluing straw in the manger before you cut out and glue the Baby's picture in place (see Patterns).
  • Let your class design and make a baby announcement, telling everyone that Jesus is born.
  • Help each child in your class make an invitation to Sunday school. Help them focus on the Christmas story—"Good News! Jesus was born! Come to Sunday school with me and find out all about it!" Be sure to have particulars available regarding special programs or seasonal events at the church during the holiday season. Encourage each child to give out his invitation in the coming week. If you have mostly children from non-Apostolic homes, as variation of this idea, help your children create invitations for their own parents.
  • Use Hallmark or other punch-out nativity scene to tell the story. Make each student in your class responsible for one of the characters. He should move it into the scene at the proper time, and possibly say any appropriate lines.


  1. Why did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem?
  2. Was Baby Jesus like all other children? Why or why not?
  3. God gave us His only Son Jesus. What can we give Him?
  4. Why couldn't Joseph and Mary stay in Nazareth to be taxed?
  5. Since it was close to the time that Mary's baby would be born, why did she travel with Joseph?
  6. Why do you suppose God let His Son be born in such a poor place?
  7. How do you think Joseph may have felt when he could find no better place for Mary?
  8. Are you surprised that Mary offered no complaint? Would you have?


  • Do a skit or panorama using the children themselves. Perhaps some of the same props that were used in the Christmas program could be used. Let the children see and touch a manger, swaddling clothes, etc., and discuss the meaning of each word. Stress that Jesus wasn't born in a palace or a rich man's home, but a simple stable.
  • Show some of the things we get to prepare for a new baby: (either the items or pictures of them) crib, clothing, blankets, toys, etc. Baby Jesus had none of these.
  • Use a sturdy nativity set with several pieces. Wrap a piece for each of your students. Let them pick which piece they want to unwrap, then add it to the scene when you come to the proper time in the story.
  • Prepare a teaching picture for the Christmas story similar to an Advent calendar. Allow the children to open little doors to reveal shepherds, the star, angels, sheep, etc. As they open each door, discuss how the object revealed fits into the picture and story.


Plan a birthday party for Jesus. Each teacher could send a birthday announcement to the children in his class, or give it to them the week before. Have a party for the department. Decorate as you would for any party, but use Christmas-related decorations and color scheme. Have a cake and sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. This is a good time to review the Christmas story. Ask the children what we can give to Jesus (our love, heart, time, etc.).

Bring a real baby. Let the children hold it and look at its tiny fingers, hands, etc. Talk about how much we love our little brothers and sisters. Bring out that though every baby is special, Baby Jesus was the most special Baby of all.

Have a small Christmas tree decorated with gifts. Explain that gift-giving, one of the traditions of the Christmas season, is done because we are remembering the gift of God—His own Son. When we exchange gifts with each other, we should not forget this. Select some children from your group to open the small presents tied on the tree. In each gift have something written that they can give to Jesus; for example, their heart, their time, obedience to parents, kindness to others.

Set up a manger and a baby doll in the front of your department. As you talk about how Jesus came to earth, focus on how each child can give himself to Jesus as a gift. Pass out paper hearts and ask the students to write their names on the hearts. At the close of your review, have each child come up and place his heart in the manger or in front of it.


  • "The Very Best Book of All" — Happy Day book by Fran Flournoy, Standard Publishing
  • "The Very Special Night" — Happy Day Book, Standard Publishing
  • "The Gift of Christmas" — Jane Belk Moncure book, Standard Publishing
  • "Jesus Loves Us" — Coloring book, 8 each of 6 pictures, Warner Press
  • Frances Hook's "Bible Pictures" — Includes "Birth of Jesus," Standard Publishing